"Stay down retard" Jacob said.

I'm not sure what happened after that. Next thing I knew that I charged Jacob and my fist were hitting his face. He tried to get me off of him, but it was no use. I heard screaming from Ally as she shouted Normani's name. Normani had to pull me off of Jacob. She held my face and made me look at her.

"Deep breaths Lauren" Normani said.

"Retard," I kept repeating.

I heard Jacob crying next to me as one of the coaches checked on him. It didn't take Normani and I long to end up in the principal's office.

"It was an accident dad" Normani said.

I sat in the chair next to Normani looking out the window as she held my hand.

"I'm not sure how this even started" Normani's dad said.

"He called her... a... um... you know" Normani said.

"No, I don't know" Normani's dad said.

Normani cleared her throat. "Lauren, cover your ears" Normani said.

I let go of Normani's hand and did what I was told. Normani continued to talk to her dad, as her dad looked at me worriedly. Normani placed her hand on mine and I removed my hand from my ears. My parents came into the principal's office and my mom was the first one to hug me.

"Mani, you can go back to class" Normani's dad said.

"Clara and Mike don't be too hard on Lauren. She didn't mean it. She was provoked and if you ask me I think Jacob Whitesides had it coming. He is literally the definition of fuck boy" Normani said.

"Mani," Normani's dad said glaring at her.

"I'll see you later Lauren" Normani said kissing the top of my head before leaving the principal's office.

"Is Lauren on her prescribed medication?" Normani's dad asked.

"Yes, but it seems to be losing its effect on her" my dad said.

"That's why we were going to the doctor right after she got out of school" my mom said.

"Clara and Mike you know I understand these entire situations since our daughters are friends but I'm going to have to give some form of punishment to Lauren. Jacob's parents will want to see some sort of action, so I'm going to give her a two week suspension. But I'm not going to put it on her school record" Normani's dad said.

"We completely understand" my dad said.

"We promise this won't happen again" my mom said. "Come on Lauren"

I was sitting in the waiting room with my parents as they whispered amongst one another. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I checked it to see that I got a text message from Maia.

Maia: Where are you? Biology is rather boring without you.

I looked at my parents and then back at my phone before replying.

Me: I got in trouble for hitting Jacob when he called me a bad word.

Maia: What did he call you?

Maia: Wait, you don't have to answer that. But that does explain why his face looks fucked up in class. Lol.

Me: He called me a retard and I don't like that word.

Maia: You are not a retard Lauren Jauregui. You are smart, sweet, caring, and loving. If he doesn't see that then he's an idiot and fuck him.

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