Ch. 22

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Sae was currently sitting down with his pajamas on the chair with his hair down as he had just finished showering. While rei was sitting right in front of him.
Sae:"What exactly r we talking abt?"
Rei stared at him with that blank expression.

Rei:"Stop pretending to be dumb. It's abt when u came back. Why did u do what u did?"
Sae:"I just do what I want."

The urge to punch him has never been any more tempting than this moment.

Rei:"I didn't come for u to tell me that sae. Seriously did something happen to u? Did we do something that irritated u? :("
Sae stared for a bit and thought back. Maybe it's time he comes honest a bit abt this.

Sae:"U specifically u didn't do anything to me. Other than stepping on my foot that time... But rin did."
Rei:"Huh? Wth did he do? He's literally a cinnamon roll."

Sae:"U remember when I said he didn't accept the fact I changed my dreams? That got on my nerves. I was really stressed coming back from Spain and all and thought u guys would understand me."
He stopped talking and didn't know if he should continue or stop there. But he felt like he wanted to vent abt this somewhere and maybe this is actually the right place. His sister may be chaotic as hell, but she's a very considerate person.

Rei waited for him. She was giving him his time to open cuz she knows it's hard on him. When her mom told her sae was all alone. She's now waiting for him.

Sae:"... When I saw that he didn't understand my decision...all the stress of those 4 years I spent in Spain came at once and I happened to let it out at him... After seeing his reaction I was worried abt ur reaction too. That if you'd think the same way he did... But u cared more abt my change in attitude."

Rei thought abt it. It's not like she wasn't weirded out abt hid decision to become a midfielder it's just...
Rei:"Look honestly. When u said u were gonna become the best midfielder I thought u were a hypocrite. Cuz ur the one who said that being anything other than a striker is useless."
Sae:"Yeah ik. But those r the words of someone who was naive of the outside. I was still mad at rin so when I saw u too I let out my anger on u as well. I was just very done with everything."

When sae looked up he saw rei looking sad. Maybe she really didn't think abt his perspective until now. She approached him and angrily pulled him up from his seat then instantly hugged him.

She hugged sae tightly. It must've been really hard on him. To be alone for 4 years having no one to talk with. To not have someone who would understand u when u thought they would when u tell them what happened to u.

He hesitantly hugged her back. This time. This was no forced hug. This was a real one.

Rei:"I'm sorry for saying ur not my brother. I was just really mad at the time I spouted something I regretted saying."
Sae:"I didn't even apologize yet why r u apologizing first..."
He sighed as he slowly ruffled her hair. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all. To open up a bit. He was glad he opened up a bit to the right person.

He really felt his brotherly instincts kick in cuz now he really is thinking abt how stupidly soft hearted this idiot in front of him is. Why r girls like that...

But he did feel relieved when she said that. Those words of hers saying she wasn't her brother anymore felt like a stab in the heart. But it's not like she was wrong he felt like he deserved those words.

Rei looked up to him.
Rei:"Lsn. Idc. Ur my brother even if we despise each other or whatever. We still have the same blood. Even if ur the biggest jerk on earth or u changed or whatever ur still my older brother no?"
She was smiling now and sae flinched.

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