Ch. 4

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After leaving her mom she ran as quickly as possible to where her brothers were. It was a nearby soccer field close to their house luckily walking there wouldn't be a big of a deal.

As she arrived she saw sae playing demonstrating to rin how to play and shoot properly.
It looked nice seeing them together maybe her mom was right. She's been feeling left out when she could've just went ahead and joined them to play all together.

She called out to them as she arrived on the field.
They both turned their head around to the familiar voice.
Sae:"What is it? Did mama tell u to call us?"
Rei:"No no I came here cuz I want to join u guys :)"
Rin:"Huh? Nee-chan wants to play football too?"
Rei:"Yes. Aren't there like also female football players sae-nii?"
Sae:"Yeah ur not wrong there. It's not abt whether ur a boy or a girl it's just... U never seemed interested so r u sure u want to devote urself to football?"
She wondered why he made it sound like she was abt to choose her life career since being a first grader in elementary school.

Sae:"U want to join cuz rin and I r playing don't u?"
Sae:"r u sure u want to play?"
Sae:"Whats ur name?"
Sae face palmed at his sister then both the twins laughed at their brother.

Sae:"sigh whatever show me what you've got first."
Rei:"Oki doki"
Sae placed for her the ball at half field and asked her to run and shoot at the goal.
She happily nodded at his instructions.
She was super excited to try out something new. Her mom was right it's not bad to change every once in a while.
Sae passed her the ball lightly so that she can actually receive it with that she ran with the ball to the goal.
Rei:"Here I go~"

As she got ready to shoot she kicked as hard as she could looking at the ball then at the goal.
Her eyes opened again.
They were shining.
This mightve gotten her very thrilled

Rei:"Wait where's the ball?"
Sae had never been this disappointed in his life not even rin did what she did.
Realizing what happened rin started laughing with that sae started snickering.
She turned around at them confused till she realized that the ball was still in place.

Rin:"Nee-chan!!! U have to actually kick the ball!!"
Sae:"Alright I've seen enough rei ur not cut out for this."
Her face was really red like a tomato from embarrassment.
She said as she hit sae with her smol fists.
Rei:"Stop laughing both of u!!"
She glared at them both. Sae getting a bit hurt by her repetitive punches.
He ruffled her hair.
Sae:"Fine fine I'll give u another chance. Stop yelling in my ears."

Rin apologized to her but she was still annoyed. Regardless he wanted to help her actually do this.
Rin:"Keep ur eyes on the ball when u r going to shoot after glancing at the goal. U closed ur eyes in the last moments which is probably why u missed it."
Rei:"Okay okay I'll do what u told me to."
She said as her and rin fist bumped and smiled at each other.
She went back to her same starting position with sae passing the ball and her receiving it. Just as she was abt to move he gave her a friendly reminder.
Sae:" This time make sure to hit the ball you idiot."
Rei:"Shut up..." she murmured and mimicked his voice making fun of him cuz she was still mad at him.
Sae:"Tch brat."

She started off doing the same thing as before except she increased her level of concentration and looked properly at her feet at the ball and at the goal.
She was at a good distance from the goal when she heard sae yell at her to shoot. Her eyes looked a bit different..
They were very focused and her body moved naturally as she shot the ball right into the goal with all her power.
Rei:"IT ENTERED SEE SEE??? STUPID BROTHERS." she stuck her tongue out at them.
Damn sae was left speechless with his eyes widened. That was quite the goal for someone who never touched a football in their life.

Rin was so impressed by her goal he ran up to her and jumped on her making them both fall.
Rei:"Rin I appreciate the compliment but I can't breathe get off me."
Rin:"HEHE sorry :)"

He got up and extended his hand to her helping her get up too. They high fived each other in celebration.
Sae came closer to her.
Sae:"will ya look at that u can actually do it if u try."
Sae:"Well it was one legendary kick how can I remove it from my mind?" He said with the most sarcastic tone ever.
Rei:"I hate you so much. Bleh."
She stuck her tongue out at him.
A smirk appeared on his face. He won that one didn't he.

They practiced a bit more here and there both rin and sae trying to reach rei the rules.
Then they played a 2v1 in which sae completely destroyed them.
He looked down on his two younger siblings who were trying to catch their breathe.
Sae:"Both of u owe me 2 favors at least."
Rei:"When was that part of the rules???"
She frowned at him. The hell was he going on abt?
Sae:"I make the rules and since I won I choose what I get."
He just played against them knowing he'd win for 2 reasons.
1) cuz he enjoys winning
2) whenever he asks his mom for a favor if it was rei or rin asking she'd never turn them down.

That aside rei smiled even as she was tired from playing with football. This was fun. Why didn't she try joining them earlier? She really loved the fact the three of them can play together now all the time. It's not just her and rin anymore. With football even sae was with them. She really hoped they can play together forever like this... It was quite the fun day maybe even the best day of her life. The laughs, the fun, the bonding they had today was really special to her in her smol heart...

With that the 3 of them walked back home after one hell of an eventful day...

Their mother had just finished cooking and a while ago she heard the door open She saw her 3 children come in while arguing with one another. Just the usual.
She went to the living room to call them but she stopped as she saw something that made her laugh a bit. It made her recall quite the memories of them when they were babies.

All three of them were asleep on the couch both twins lying down on sae and sae hugging them both.

She went to get a blanket and covered the three of them as she heard them lightly snore which was kinda cute.

But what she saw on the floor made her mad, made her want to cry. There was dirt all over on the floor. She sighed.

Mom:"They entered with their shoes and I just finished cleaning... I'll lecture them as soon as they wake up-"

Author-san's note:
Next chapter incoming angst <3

Also out of topic but have yall read hiori's backstory cuz I'm crying 😭

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚂𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚂𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕 &lt;𝟹 Where stories live. Discover now