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Arriving at the Armstrong family gathering area, Freen puts Becky on the chair.

David and Luna went over to Becky and checked on her.

"Becky's breathing was so slow! We have to take her to the hospital now!" said David and took her daughter to the hospital by ambulance. He and his wife used an ambulance while Richie and his wife used a car.

Freen used her own car and followed the ambulance to where Becky was now. She was driving very fast.

Once there, she changed her clothes before waiting at the door of the emergency ward where Becky was currently being treated.

Freen walked slowly with a feeling sad, worried and empty heart. She was only thinking about Becky now. She could see the nurse who was with the doctor going in and out of the ward.

Some took several blood packs, instruments for surgery, IV drip and others. They seem busy.

Freen caught a glimpse of the lights above the emergency ward indicating that treatment had begun. She then saw the Armstrong family not far from her.

"Isn't Becky only slightly injured? Did I not check her body carefully earlier?" said Freen to herself. Freen leaned her back against the wall.

Her father and mother came in a hurry. David had already told Douglas what happened. Douglas took his daughter by the hand and led her to a place where there weren't many people.

"Don't you know, you have embarrassed our family? Many guests are whispering about our family and Bernade family! I never taught you like this Freen!" Douglas yelled at Freen.

"Douglas, that's enough. Aren't you ashamed to yell at your child in an area like this? Let's wait for Becky's news together with Luna's family" Kaew pulled Freen's hand to leave with her. Douglas sighed and followed them behind.

Kawe went over to Luna and hugged her. She tried to calm the crying Luna.

After four hours, the nurse and doctor came out of the emergency ward and stood up straight. The Armstrongs and Chankimha went towards the doctor and surrounded him.

"Is my daughter okay?" asked Luna.

The doctor just kept quiet, making Richie talk to the doctor very rudely.

"MY MOTHER ASKED YOU, IS MY SISTER OK? PLEASE ANSWER!" Richie tugged on the doctor's shirt. Alice comforted her husband.

"We have tried our best to save her but it is still the same. Her breathing throughout the surgery was getting lower and lower. Your daughter has died" said the doctor.

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