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With hasty steps Becky entered Paramount Company.Corp, regardless of the stares of the employees who looked at her in bewilderment.

"W....wait for me!" Becky screamed loudly when she saw her cousin walking towards the lift door.

While Freen, who heard Becky's scream, only glanced back briefly and then continue walking.

"Freen..." Becky, who was in a hurry to chase after Freen, tripped over her own steps.

"Becky!" Freen said.

Becky, who was in pain because she fell hard on the floor, tried to look at Freen when she heard her cousin's called her.

Becky saw Freen walking towards her and walked away from her again

"Wait!" Becky wanted to go into the lift, but Freen pushed her so she took a few steps back and could only see the woman closing the lift door.




After arriving in front of Freen's office, Becky saw Jonathan coming out of the room.

"Wait, miss Becky!" Jonathan stopped Becky's steps who wanted to enter her   boss's office. "You are not allowed inside"

"Why?" asked Becky.

"My boss is very furious and she does not want to be disturbed by anyone"

"But I have to meet her" Becky insists on meeting Freen.

"But miss" Jonathan can't stop Becky now.

"Freen" Becky entered Freen's office.

Freen looked at Becky and sighed. "Jonathan!!!"

"Yes,boss" Jonathan immediately approached her.

"I already told you not to let anyone to enter my office! Don't you understand?" Freen snapped with a firm and sharp gaze.


"He already told me about it but I want to go in, no matter what you said to him" interrupted Becky.

"Go home now!" Freen said without looking at Becky.

"But, Freen...."

"Jonathan, take Becky out!" Freen looked back at the file that was on her desk.

"Why are you mad at me all of a sudden?" asked Becky.

"Becky, get out!!!"

Becky left Freen's office after seeing Freen's angry face.

"Miss Becky!" Jonathan ran after her and then gave the girl ointment. "Treat yourself with this" Jonathan pointed at Becky's knees.

"Is this from Freen?" asked Becky with a smile on her lips.

"That's from me, miss"

The smile on Becky's lips disappeared when she realized that Jonathan cared more about her. "Thank you, Jonathan" Becky got into the lift with a sad face.

Meanwhile, Jonathan, who was already in Freen's office, immediately informed Freen that the ointment that was given to him just now already given him to Becky.

"Now you can go out" said Freen.

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