Part 59

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Saturday night, the last night before Kino's mum was back. Kino didn't know what would happen from tomorrow onwards. He and Wooseok discussed about him moving to live at a goshiwon temporarily to get away from his dad. The conditions wouldnt be too great, the room would be small but at least Wooseok would have his own spot and he would be away from his dad.

Kino stands in the living room, wrapped in a blanket, looking out of the closed balcony doors at the night sky. Wooseok walks up behind him, wrapping his around around his middle and resting his chin on top of Kino's head.

"What you thinking about"

"Just stuff I don't want to be thinking about"

"I know. Me too. I know me staying here is over, but hey we're not. We're still going to see each other you know"

Kino turns around so that he can face him, having to look up from the height difference. "I know, but I got used to sharing a bed with you".

"Poor baby" Wooseok teases.

Kino smiles and leans in to cuddle into Wooseok's chest, sighing out softly. How would he explain this to his mum.

Wooseok's eyes gaze over to the wall beside them where a cabinet of photos stood. His eyes scan the photos until they fall onto one specific photo.

"Is this your dad?" The name Kang Wonsik was below the picture

Kino turns to look at the same photo and nods, "Yeah that's my dad".

"You look like him a lot" Wooseok hums out softly.

"Yeah I used to hear that a lot. It's crazy. No matter how time passes after a parent dies, you never get over it. It still hurts the same" Kino sighs sadly, wishing his dad could still be here with him. He remembered after his accident, when he fell into a coma, Kino would spend hours with him, wishing he would wake up any moment. He remembered telling Wooseok about the anniversary of his death after he found him crying in the cupboard that day. The anniversary was approaching in about 2 months. Another year without him.

"I know" Wooseok breathes out. "I miss my mum every day. She wasn't like my dad. Believe it or he ...he was actually semi okay before she died" Wooseok tells him, hating what his father had become. It's been about 4 years since she had died, her anniversary actually being a few weeks ago. They had this to bond over, as morbid as it was. But he was glad to know they had each other, someone who understood what it was like to lose a parent.

"Do you look like her?" Kino asks curiously

"Thank fuck I do. Have you seen my dad? He's a potato. Don't know how he got her to marry him"

"How did she die" Kino asks.

"Also accident" Wooseok sighs out. "I told him not to get in the car after drinking, but did he listen..."

Kino gasps a little and proceeds to cup Wooseok's cheek, "Wooseok I'm so sorry".

"There's nothing I can do now. I spent months misery. It's still bad, but you know. I try to live. For her"

Kino leans forward and noses at Wooseok's cold cheek, "She'd be proud of you"

"Yeah right" he can't help but scoff.

"Look at what you've been overcoming on your own. She'd be happy to know how strong you have been".

Wooseok looks to Kino with a loving expression and smiles gently. "Thank you"

"Come on, let's go lie down".


The next day Kino decided it would be best to talk to his mother alone, without Wooseok there to explain the situation.

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