Part 39

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When they come back to school that Monday Kino walks into the classroom, and grips his bag for dear life when he has to walk past Wooseok to get to his desk. He doesn't look at him. Wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

The class starts not too long after and Yuto pats him on the back just to bring him back down to earth from his thoughts. Kino shoots him a gentle smile and opens his book up. During the break Wooseok makes his way to the back of the room to grab something out of his locker.

Annoyingly the lockers are right behind Kino as he's in the last seat so when Wooseok is almost directly behind him, rummaging through his stuff, Kino stills and continues staring at the empty page of his notebook as if the world's most interesting novel was written on it.

Wooseok grabs what he needs and heads back but accidentally bumps into Kino's shoulder as he walks past. "Sorry" he mutters out.

Kino's eyes widen a little. Was it weird that he didn't expect him to speak to him ever again? Even a small sorry threw him. Stop looking into this so much, he thought to himself. He doesn't want to know you, and you don't need him.

Kino released a heavy breath and tried to gather himself, but when he looks forward he notices the way Wooseok looked to him. It was brief. Almost like he was trying to pass it off as looking for someone else but their eyes do meet. Both look away in an instant and Kino wishes the ground could swallow him hole. Why did he feel so fucking anxious around him. This had to stop, they couldn't carry on like this.


It's Friday now, and when the boys are in class Mr.Lee announces the annual camping trip. A trip where the whole class travels into the outskirts of Seoul for two nights. It's thought of as a team building exercise, a chance to experience nature and just let them have a difference experience of school.

"Now remember, the school does provide you with tents, but sleeping bags and any other things you might need you need to bring your self. Goh Shinwon"

"Yes sir"

"No cigarettes. I don't need a repeat of your brother"

The whole class chuckles and Shinwon salutes playfully. "Sir, you know I know better than to smoke unlike my hyung".

"Uh-huh. Totally"

"You excited?" Yuto whispers to Kino, gently knocking is elbow into him. "We get to skip lessons next Friday"

The trip would involve the boys leaving early Friday afternoon, and carry on through to Sunday.

"I guess that's a bonus" he chuckles. He was doing okay. Slightly better. Not so on edge but still he couldn't help but freeze when Wooseok was around. "Just pray they don't make us climb the mountain"

"Shit yeah, better bring some shoes just in case"

"And snacks"

"Oo good shout" Yuto hums.

They had a week left before they leave so Kino needed to let the company know he wouldn't be able to make next week's Saturday's practise as well as the boys.

"Don't forget warm clothes too. Sometimes the weather at night sucks so much I heard some guy got taken to hospital last year because of how cold it was" Kino tells Yuto.

"I heard a guy was taken in before, he got bitten by a bear" Shinwon says, turning around in his chair to face the pair.

"Oh shut up, we don't have bears there"

"Then why did Kitae tell me that"

"Cos Kitae is a pathological liar" Yuto sighs out, pushing at Shinwons head. "If there are bears, we're offering you as a sacrifice"

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