Part 46

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Another day when the whole gang is hanging out during lunch, the boys are discussing what they are going to do for Yeoone's birthday. They wanted to do something fun and just hang out together and in that moment Wooseok joins them on the steps of the bleachers, sitting himself by Kino with an arm over his shoulder.

"How's the world's biggest kiss ass doing?"

Kino elbows him in the chest and rolls his eyes. "How's the worlds biggest degenerate doing"

"Ah you know can't complain".

The rest of the boys don't even look at them weird anymore, this is how the pair had been acting for weeks and it became normal.

"We're thinking about what to do for Yeoone's birthday"

"Well clearly the only right answer here is to get drunk, have a party, and make gorgeous gorgeous memories" Wooseok says.

"I second that" Yeoone laughs out.

"We should try and get some rum or something. Something stronger than soju".

"I can get my brother to get us some" Shinwon chimes in with a grin.

"Fuck, I forgot to hand in my homework, I gotta go" Wooseok suddenly says, as he gets up he presses a kiss to Kino's temple and runs off without saying anything else.

Kino's eyes widen at what had just happened, and he looks over to see if anyone had caught that. Two people had, Yuto; who was looking at him with a confused look, and Shinwon; who was smirking like a mad man.

"Don't" Kino says with a roll of his eyes.

Why had he done that? Was he going to question him later? Or was he going to ignore it?


"Who?" Wooseok asks Kino in class another day. They had a small break between classes and he overheard that one of the trainees had asked Kino out to a cafe, and the way he made it sound, felt like the guy liked him. A date perhaps?

"Some guy at the company" Kino says with his back still to Wooseok since he was facing Yuto during the conversation.

"Are you going to go?" Yuto asks with a smile.

"Yeah are you?" Wooseok adds.

Kino shrugs. Sejun was a really nice guy actually. They talked here and there but he never thought it was anything more than a friendship. "Maybe"

Wooseok gets up from his seat, the chair scraping against the floor as he did so before making his way over to Kino. He crouches down and then places a hand over his shoulders.

"Trying to get me jealous, Kino?"

Kino can't help but roll his eyes and look over to Wooseok. "Please, if I did then I would have slept with him already". Obviously it was a joke but Wooseok can't help but roll his eyes. In that moment he chooses to lean over and whisper into the boys ear.

"I'd really like it if you didn't go to see this guy, you see. You're mine after all, aren't you?"

"Possessive huh" Kino sighs out nonchalantly.

"Oh you have no idea"

"I'm not yours" he sing songs.

With his other hand he grips onto Kino's thigh and squeezes gently. "Our moment in the tent had me thinking differently".

Thank GOD Yuto didn't hear and was distracted by his phone because god the way Kino freezed and turned red...

"Fucking shut up" he groans out in a whisper, smacking Wooseok's hand off his thigh. "You really don't want me going?"

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