Part 4

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A few days had passed and Kino had yet to hear from the company to see if he had passed his audition. He was growing more and more nervous with each passing day and since his mind worked overtime he would at some point begin to slowly convince himself that he was rejected.

Not yet though. He still had some time.

On a positive note though he's had barely any more interactions with the new kid. Seemed that all he did was write the work when he needed, speak when he had to speak, but apart from that he was pretty vacant. He didn't attempt to make friends. But it seemed that Shinwon took a liking to him. And in fact Kino had spotted them together many times during breaks or lunches.

"He's not in today" Yuto points out from his desk on Kino' right.


"Wooseok. He's not in".

Kino's eyes gaze over to the empty desk. He was right. Wooseok was nowhere to be seen. He didn't care enough to notice.

"Probably sick or something. Actually no, I bet you he's bunking".

Yuto chuckles to himself and goes back to looking at his phone. A group of girls happens to walk past the corridor windows, which Yuto was fairly close to, and they stopped when they saw Yuto inside the classroom.

"Yuto Oppa" A few of them call out. The man looks up and gives them an awkward smile.


The girls giggle and huddle together like penguins. "Oppa I brought you some snacks today. I will give them to you at lunch okay?"

"Uh...sure? Yeah. Thanks Gyuri".

The girls gasp and hide their mouths behind their hands as they walk away, still all huddled together.

"Yuto Oppaaa" Kino says suddenly, a massive smile on his face. "Oppa. Please eat my rice. It's the best rice I promise. God oppa. You're so handsome. Can you say something in Japenese? Maybe I love you? Oppa" his voice gets more whiny as time goes on, and Yuto extends his leg out in order to kick the leg of Kino's chair. Kino laughs and Yuto can't help but join in. "They love you. They literally think you're a walking god".

"Yeah well, they're not wrong".

"Ooo" Kino teases again.


Wooseok does make it to school the next day. His hair is styled a little differently. With a parting in the middle, his expression still one of stone.

"Why weren't you in yesterday" Shinwon asks him when he's sat down, whilst he perched himself on top of Wooseok's desk.

"Just wasn't" Wooseok said with a shrug, not delving into any more.

"I made some notes if you wanted to look through them" the brunette suggets.

Kino sniggers softly and continues scribbling down in his notebook. "I wouldn't trust his notes. He writes down half and then zones out for half so he just fills in the blanks with what he 'thinks' the teacher said. And 98% of the time he's wrong".

"Hey that's 2% of a chance they're correct notes" Shinwon fights back, a cheeky smile on his face.

Wooseok leans back a little in his chair and reaches behind to grab Kino's notebook, snatching it from beneath his hands.

"Ya!" Kino shouts out, "What are you doing?"

"I'm assuming your notes are better right? So I'm going to copy them" Wooseok announces. He even shoots Kino a smile. One that makes his lips disappear so it obviously felt very ingenuine.

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