Part 44

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When they're back in school on Monday nothing is really said.

Neither of them brought up the situation again. But at the same time it wasn't awkward when they spoke. It's almost like they both pretended it didn't happen and it worked well for the pair of them.

"You and the guys are hanging out soon right?" Yuto asks Kino during their lunch.

"The trainee lot? Yeah why" he says, mouth full of rice.

"Yanan invited me to come along too"

"Oh sweet, yeah feel free to come"

"I feel like I'll be invading your space or something"

Kino shoves Yuto's shoulder and chuckles. "Don't be stupid. Clearly Yanan wants you there. Come for him"

Yuto can't help but bite down on his lip and smile. "He makes me hella nervous you know"

"Oh I know. It shows believe me"

"He just so..."

"Absolutely stunning and gorgeous and an absolute sweetheart?"

"That" Yuto nods.

"I know. He's also shy and probably too shy to invite you out alone yet. So he's using that outing as an excuse to see you"

"You think?" Yuto asks, sitting up with a happy look on his face.

"I bet yeah"

Shinwon and Wooseok suddenly join the pair, with Shinwon striking up a conversation with the raven haired whilst Wooseok knocks his shoulder against Kino's.

"There's some kind of even after school on friday. Some kind of...what the fuck is it Shinwon?" Wooseok asks.

"Like a show. People performing, singing"

"That" Wooseok says before turning to Kino again. "You going?"

"I wasn't planning on it" he shrugs.

"Come, it might be fun

"Oh and suddenly you're all eager for such things? Doesn't seem like your scene" Kino laughs.

"Eh, fuck it. Better to be out of the house, no?"

Kino shrugs and looks off to the side. "I might come. I'll see if I feel like it".


Friday evening comes and almost the whole class decides to go see the show. When school finished the boys went to get food and returned in time for the show. Groups sang and danced and the school cheered them on whilst the boys just had fun in the crowd.

Kino ended up dancing with Yuto a bit, to which Jinho pointed out that they should have been the ones on stage.

It allowed Wooseok the time to not go home and face his father. The less time he spent in that hell hole the better. Which is why when Yeoone suggested going out after the show ended the boys agreed. They just wanted to have some Soju and carry on the evening since they were already out. Most of them ended up getting tipsy, Kino included. And as they all walk through the streets of Seoul Wooseok ends up staggering over to Kino and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"Kinooo" he sing songs.

"Wooseooooook" the other says.

"You're fucked cos you have training tomorrow"

"I'll sober up" Kino laughs, swaying as he walks but he has Wooseok to lean against. Yuto notices the way the pair talk and wonders how the pair ended up this way. They fought, Kino basically swore off talking to him again, but here they are again.

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