Part 9

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Wooseok didn't show up to class the next day. Well at least the first lesson.

When he strolled in during break time Kino couldn't help but notice that the other was purposely trying to look down at the ground, or hide his face.

Was this because of him? Had Kino done something? Was it because he saw how flustered Kino got when he approached him yesterday? It was only because he didn't want Wooseok that close!

It wasn't his fault either, Wooseok was the one to approach him.

Wooseok on the other hand was sitting in his chair with his head in his arms, just like on his first day. He didn't really want to talk to anyone today. And he also knew that if someone would piss him off, he would easily snap. So when Shinwon came over and attempted to make conversation, Wooseok tried to tell him as nicely as he could that he wasn't in the mood for a conversation currently.

Kino could see that it wasn't to avoid his gaze then, if he also told Shinwon to basically leave him alone.

When the break was coming to an end Kino realised that he did actually have to speak to Wooseok. He didn't really feel like approaching him but this was about school so he couldn't not do it exactly...

He got up from his chair and walked towards him. "Wooseok?"

"What" the other said, face still resting in his arms.

"We have that project to work on and Yeoone wanted me to ask you if you...can you look at me while I talk to you?". He felt weird talking to his hooded head.

"No" he replies simply.

"Right" Kino said, eyebrows raising a little at the rudeness in his tone. He should have expected that. "Either way, Yeoone was wondering if you had started any of your research yet"

"Not yet" he mumbles into his arm.

"Well any idea on when you're gonna start cos..., seriously just look up".

"Shut up, no" Wooseok tells him, annoyance more evident in his tone now.

"I won't talk to your head"

"Just don't talk to me at all then".

Kino sighs in frustration and pushes at Wooseok's shoulder suddenly to lift his whole body up from the laying down position. Wooseok wasn't expecting that so he sat up, and looked to Kino with wide eyes.

Initially Wooseoks face displayed surprise, then shock, then anger. Kino was a bit taken aback by what he saw. There was a cut on Wooseok's bottom lip, with dried up blood, and the lip itself was quite swollen

Immediately he lets go of his shoulder and takes one small step back.

Wooseok's gaze could only be described as scary and full of fire. He couldn't believe the cheek...

Immediately he's up on his feet, approaching the shorter of the two with a threatening look. He grabs Kino by the blazer, pulling him towards him so that they're face to face, but this was completely unlike yesterday.

"Ya!" he hears Yuto call out, who is up to his feet in an instant.

"When I say I don't want to look up, I said I don't want to look up" he tells Kino through gritted teeth, jaw clenched.

"I'm sorry" Kino is quick to say, releasing a small shaky breath. Not necessarily because he was scared but because he felt like an utter fool.

"Fucking use your ears, asshole" he spits, eyes still glaring daggers right into Kino. He doesn't want to be here.

He lets go of the uniform, but makes sure to push Kino away, before storming his way out of the classroom and into the hallways of the school. He'd find a place to be for a while. He just couldn't fucking deal being in that classroom right now.

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