Part 23

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Fucking Kino cleared his head. Last time. He knew this time around would be the same, and fuck he didn't want to stew on the hate he had towards his dad because if he thought about it too much, Wooseok ended up getting too angry and would often times end up hurting himself, mainly his hands by punching stupid things like walls, and bricks.

He had no option to do that in this house. It wasn't his house. And from last time, he knew that fucking Kino cleared his head enough to be able to stop thinking about the hatred.

Which is perhaps why they were now about to fuck against the wall of Kino's living room.

He couldn't let this become a thing. He didn't actually want to sleep with Kino. Like on a normal basis if he was offered, he would say fuck no, thank you ma'am, and walk away. But the circumstances called for it. But he knew from last time, that this, doing this, doing Kino, actually did clear his head. And somehow it felt relieving. But this couldn't become his way of escaping. He disliked Kino too much for that.

He was still angry physically. He could feel how fast his heart was beating or how tightly he held onto Kino's leg as a result of his anger.

Kino's head leant back against the wall and Wooseok hid his in the crook of Kino's neck. He didn't want to make eye contact. Last time was easy. Last time Kino's back was to him.

"We're not doing this again" Kino warms, not making any attempt to move away. Wooseok hears him. He hears his words and he agrees. But why was he still pressing himself against him.

Wait. Yeah. Why? Why is he doing this? He doesn't want this. He doesn't want this to become a thing. He had literally just told himself that. He can't. So as if Kino is suddenly made of fire, he pushes himself away, eyes wide and confused. What they fuck was he thinking?

Kino looks at him in surprise, not actually expecting Wooseok to step away so suddenly. Or at all really. They stare at each other. Breaths heavy, chests falling.

This wasn't Kino either. He didn't just fuck around with people. Literally. This wasn't his style. He can't stand the kid. He's rude, and annoying, has a shitty temper. And then he looks at him like he plans on taking him right there and then and Kino's body complies. Well it almost did...

Kino would need to have a talk with himself later about this, because this wasn't on.

"Shit" Kino curses to himself, suddenly feeling on display and like he was about to make a massive mistake. "Fucking hell what..."

"I don't want that" Wooseok announces, feeling like he had to make it clear. "I don't want to fuck you"

"I don't want you to fuck me" Kino tells him too, feeling weird. He hated this kids personality. He was so aggressive, so explosive. He didn't get on with him. He didn't want to sleep with him again. He would have been mad at himself if he had. That one time...that time at Wooseoks was a spur of the moment thing and honestly Kino cursed at himself his whole way home.

He swore never again. And luck would have it that Wooseok had enough strength in him to stop this time. The air turns so utterly awkward that Wooseok just searches for his bag. "I'm gonna go"

"Yeah" Kino exhales shakily, wrapping his arms around himself as if he was somehow exposed. The memory of Wooseok's crotch pressed against his floods his brain and he shivers in disgust. It was disgust right? "I think you should go too"

Before Wooseok leaves, he points at Kino, almost like a warning "Not a word to anyone"

"Believe me. I wouldn't want anyone knowing...Now get out"

There's a bit of a stare down. They don't break eye contact, almost like they're trying to confirm that they're on the same page. They're both freaked out. Grossed out. Wooseok nods once and then leaves.


We're not coming around to each others houses ever again



I think I do need to talk to you now

You okay?

No. I just, don't even fucking know. Let's... like. do you wanna come to mine after school? Mum's gonna be going out so we can be alone

Sounds serious?

I need to vent I think. And I need you to tell me good things cos OH my god

Okay, let's go right after school then

See you by the gate.

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