Part 16

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Wooseok had managed to avoid any crap from his dad for a couple of weeks now. His face and body were clear. He was glad in some way because no one stared at him in school this way.

During lunch Wooseok was just loitering around the school grounds, smoking in the back with Shinwon, or walking around to find a space to sit.

"Wooseok" a voice suddenly calls out to him. He turns in time to see Yuto jogging up to him.

"Yeah?". What could he possibly want? It's not like he and Yuto spoke often.

"Have you seen Kino?"

"He was in lessons with us" Wooseok points out matter of factly.

"Duh I know that. But I went to the bathroom and kind of lost him and..."

"What do you mean you lost him? Like a kid or something. Is he on a leash with you or...?"

Yuto rolls his eyes and huffs a little in frustration "Look I just need to be with him today. Can you just tell me where he is? Or if you've seen him at least. Any info? Come on spit it out, Al Capone".

Wooseok shakes his head "No. I've not seen him. Why? Why do you have to be with him really bad? Oh my god are you two getting it on"

Yuto groans again "If you see nice to him. Tell him to find me. I need to keep looking". And just like that he runs off in another direction, probably to ask someone else the same question.

Wooseok stands in the same spot for a few moments, trying to decipher why Yuto was in such a panic to find Kino, and also why he was specifically told to be nice to him if he found him.

Curiosity killed the cat...

So it's not like he went looking for Kino necessarily...He just strolled through halls in the schools, and if he just so happened to stumble into him, well then so be it. Something in him made him walk to the PE cupboard. The one they had to clean. If he had to be alone, and without fear of anyone finding him, this is where Wooseok would have hidden.

But was Kino even hiding? Or was Yuto just incapable of being alone.

So he peeks in slowly, not actually expecting to see Kino on the floor by the back wall with his knees pulled up against his chest, and his chin resting on top of them.

"Kino?" Wooseok asks in confusion, not having entered the room yet. Kino seems to be in his own world, eyes staring at nothing in particular, not having taken in the fact that Wooseok was even there. He was in a trance. "Kino?" The raven haired tries again.

Kino doesn't respond. Instead he releases a shaky breath and then hides his face in his knees. Wooseok was confused for sure and only now decided to step inside. Even going as far as to close the door behind him. He used the torch on his phone to light up the room, and left the phone sitting on one of the shelves as he made his way closer to the boy on the ground.

"Yuto is looking for you. He seemed kinda worried"

No response.

"He said something about being nice to you, I dunno what the fuck he was on about but maybe you should go find him. Like he's bothering everyone out there trying to find you".

Kino releases another shaky breath.

"Dude what the fuck is wrong. Why are you hiding. Someone bullying you or something?"

"Can you just leave me alone please?" the hushed words finally leave Kino's lips but of course Wooseok wouldn't do that. Since when did he listen to people?

"No. Just stop being a baby and come out like, why are you hiding"

"I'm not hiding" Kino grumbles, face still hidden. "I just wanted to be alone"

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