Part 29

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Initially Kino felt like the middle man at the party. He had to introduce all of his school friends to his trainee friends. And in all honestly Kino hiding being a trainee went to shit because Shinwon knew about it anyway, blabbed it out loud and then Jinho and Yeoone told him that they knew it too.

They overheard a conversation once. But being the nice friends they were, they didn't want to talk to Kino about it until he was ready. Eh, what's the harm in them knowing, he thought.

And so they all started mingling. Hongseok had prepared food, and different kinds of alcohol, so everyone was more than happy to get a cup of something and then socialise.

Hongseok and Yeoone ended up bonding over their love for exercise, and Kino made a joke to Hui about how later in the night he can see the duo drunk and trying to outdo each other at push ups or something along those lines.

With music playing through speakers, it felt quite nice. No one was left alone. No one was feeling awkward. Of course Yanan was a little shy at meeting new people but having his trainee friends there and Yuto distracted him enough. They were bound to play some games later where their walls could fall a little. They could get to know each other more.

Kino couldn't wait.

When he's getting a tour of the house from Hongseok, along with Shinwon and Yeoone, he can't help but look over to the couch where Yuto and Yanan are chatting.

Both have a drink in their hand, and are cradling it, focusing on it more than looking at each other. Cute, he couldn't help but think. They were so awkward around each other, but clearly wanted to be close.

"Were you nervous about coming?" Yuto asks, taking another tiny sip of his drink so that he had something to do rather than just sit and look awkward.

"A little I think. I get nervous meeting new people, so meeting all of your friends, uhm, I didn't want to come off weird"

"Why would you come off weird?" Yuto cocks his head to the side in curiosity.

"I can be a little awkward sometimes I guess. And maybe it comes off as rude"

"No, no not at all!" Yuto adds, placing a hand on Yanan's knee as if he was really emphasising his point. The second he does it, they both look down at the hand and Yuto pulls away slowly. Realising how awkward he felt for having done that. Yanan is simply trying to hide his smile by pursing his lips and looking down. He felt lucky that the lights were dimmed enough to hide his blush. "Sorry about that" he hears Yuto mumble.

Yanan just shakes his head and chuckles.

As more time passes everyone starts feeling merry from the alcohol in their system. They end up playing a really messy game of mafia, where Shinwon and Hui are the mafias, with Yanan as doctor and Hongseok as the moderator. Everyone ends up ganging up on Jinho, convinced that he's the mafia with the poor boy even going on his knees to beg to say he isn't.

Yeoone feels so bad for him in the end, that he ends up wrapping his arms around him in the tightest hug to then beg the rest of the group not to kill Jinho off.

"Get off, you're making me look suspicious!" Jinho laughs loudly but Yeoone keeps cradling into him.

"Ya, it's Yeoone then! He's trying to make himself look innocent!" Yuto says, pointing a finger at him with a big smile as if he has solved a big mystery.

"Yeah, I agree. I think it's Yeoone now too" Hui adds, trying to see if anyone had realised it was him yet.

At one point Shinwon actually admits he's the mafia, and get's himself killed. Hui ends up smacking him on the shoulder and laughing as to why he would do that when it made it so obvious.

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