Part 43

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At first it's silence.

No one says another word.

The pair just look at each other as if they're finalising their silent agreement. Kino couldn't allow this to be anything more. Neither could Wooseok.

The thing that Kino didn't know is that Wooseok really wanted this. But he could hide behind Kino's needs of this needing to be about tonight and tonight only. To spare them both pain, Wooseok needed it to be that way too.

He could allow himself tonight though right?

He didn't really think about how bad of a person this made him. How this could result in Kino's feelings growing. He should be nice and considerate and not fuck up the boy's head any more but at the same time Kino knew Wooseok.

He wasn't a good person. He didn't care about others. So why should he care about what Kino will end up feeling like? If they both agreed to this?

Just a moment of weakness for the pair and Kino silently swore to himself that no matter what he ended up feeling from this, let it be regret, shame, or more feelings towards the boy, he would work on himself and allow them to disperse as time came.

He just wanted Wooseok right now. And Wooseok wanted him, so it seemed.

"Don't be loud" Kino tells him in a whisper, fully aware of the multiple tents surrounding them. If they got caught he would die of embarrassment.

"That's something you should be aware of, not me" Wooseok laughs.

It's been a while though. The first and only time they did this, it was done in a haste, and almost out of spite. If that was possible. It was rough, and no words were said but now both were aware of their actions. This meant that Kino didn't know where to start or what to do, being on top of Wooseok was already out of his comfort zone.

"It's too cold to get crazy with positions so just..."Wooseok says before grabbing Kino and flipping them around so that he was now on his back with Wooseok hovering over him. "Like this"

"Right" Kino says, almost trying to avoid Wooseok's gaze.

"You can say no you know Kino" Wooseok tells him seriously, grabbing his chin to make the other look at him. "I'll listen"

"Oh stop pretending to be nice, just get to it" he half rolls his eyes.

"Yes, sir" the other scoffs playfully.

"No need for niceties. Let's just..."

"Yup, no worries".

Wooseok sits up a little and takes off his shirt, he was freezing of course but he knew that would soon be helped with their body heat.

Kino tries to do the same, though it's awkward in the small space he has.

Wooseok has to unzip the side of the sleeping bag to have enough room to shed his trousers and underwear and Kino uses that moment to do the same. Wooseok leaves the bag open so that he can have the fabric drape over his back to provide some kind of cover and warmth.

Kino realises that last time they did this they weren't facing each other, and now he had a full view of Wooseok. He tried really hard not to be awkward about it, and instead just looked right into the boys eyes as the other got onto his elbows, nearing closer.

Their breaths mix and Kino inhales sharply.

"I don't have lube" Wooseok whispers as a warning.

"Yeah no shit, didn't plan on fucking on a school trip huh?"

"Well actually I-..."

"Don't wanna know" Kino cuts him off. "You can just-..."

But now he's cut off by Wooseok coating his own fingers with saliva and moving them towards Kino's entrance.

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