Part 22

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We need to do some work I guess. For this shitting project. I'm gonna come over

Excuse me who said I even want you at my house. No. 

Well tough I'm coming over

What if my mum was in

She'd love me. Im the best guest

Fucking doubting ngl.

They've tried to keep it normal between them after clarifying  that Wooseok never took Kinos virginity. He told him this. That day they were cleaning he told him he had sex and Wooseok just chose to ignore his words. That was his problem. But at the same time, Wooseok kept thinking he had to compensate by being angrier. Or meaner. Or not talking to Kino. They didn't really talk much anyway. But he really kept his distance. Until today of course.

My house is a no go today. So I'll just be over at like 4:30

Fine but you're not staying for long


The truth was that Wooseok wanted to escape his house a while. He didn't want to be between those walls because his mind just stewed and he could swear somehow the memories in his head were loud. He could hear the punches. The glass shattering. Sometimes he genuinely wondered if he was okay. Going to see Kino would be a little escape from reality. Sure it was awkward. But now it was better than sitting here in the house. Alone. Angry. Angry at the world.

His dad had also had a massive go at him that morning. He was so verbally abusive. As he did that, his hand would keep moving up as if he was going to smack Wooseok and the boy sort of flinched or cowered every time. His dad would find this hilarious, and only once or twice did he actually slap him in the face.

He reeked of alcohol but Wooseok took whatever was coming. He was sort of used to this now.

When he arrives, Kino invites Wooseok into the living room and just tells him to get comfortable on the couch. Wooseok doesn't. Of course. And instead walks over to the shelves littered with photos frames. He sees Kino with a little girl in one of the photos. Kino looked a little younger then, and the girl was only a year old or so.

She must have been a family member. She must be around 5 now then. Going off of how young Kino looked to how he looked now.

"She would cry if she met you" Kino announces from behind Wooseok suddenly.


"She is a very good judge of character. She doesn't like bad people. She will know instantly. She'll cry or tell you or something like that"

"Ah, come on she wouldn't"

"No seriously" Kino says with a serious expression. "She wouldn't like you. I can tell you that now. She'd catch your vibe and just... would refuse to be near you"

"Wow what a warm welcome from you Kino"

Kino shrugs, and turns to walk back to the couch. That is until he catches a quick glimpse of Wooseok's reddened cheek. He hadn't noticed it when the boy first entered the house. Perhaps it was because he was trying to avoid making too much eye contact. After all he was still kind of in disbelief at the fact that they slept together.

Made of Glass | Kino x Wooseok PTGWhere stories live. Discover now