Part 48

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The next day at school is a little awkward. Wooseok doesn't know how to act, he doesn't want Kino thinking he's gone off him or something, his face gave away that he had yet another fight. But he somehow needed to protect this boy. The only way he could think how was to slowly phase him out, or not be so touchy. That would be very hard for Wooseok considering how the two had been recently.

Kino enters the classroom and of course stills when he sees Wooseok's face, but giving their past experiences he doesn't want to pry.

So instead he sits on the desk and looks at him with a smile. He can't help himself and goes to cup Wooseok's red cheek, to which the boy initially leans in to.

But realising this was already bad territory Wooseok decides to pull away and smile. "I'm fine. So, has Yuto admitted his feelings to Yanan yet?"

Kino shakes his head in response. "Not yet, he's too shy. I think he's scared Yanan won't like him back, but I know he does"

"We have to fucking clunk their heads together and do it for them then"

"As much as I'd enjoy that," Kino chuckles "It's better for them to figure it out on their own".

Wooseok nods and gazes down at Kino's hand with the rings still gracing his pale hands. "These suit you"

"Right? Way more than you"

Wooseok rolls his eyes at that, "Mm, in your world Kino".

During lunch Wooseok and Shinwon were in the smoking areas as always, puffing away.

"You alright?" the brunette asks, clearly referring to the marks on Wooseok's face but the other passes it off as nothing and Shinwon decides not to question any further.

"You and Kino seem pretty close now huh"

"Yeah" Wooseok says as he inhales, " I guess so"

"You like him?" he can't help but question. The pair hadn't really discussed this but curiosity killed the cat.

"What do you think?" is Wooseok's response.

Just the another guy from another class joins them. They know each other and but aren't close.

"Any of you got a lighter?"

Wooseok flips out his lighter and offers it to the boy who lights his cigarette and inhales deeply. "Cheers, you talking about Kino?"

Wooseok quirks his brow then, "You know Kino?"

"Well I mean, we both started at the same time, so of course I know him. Is he dating anyone?"

Wooseok looks even more confused. "Why are you asking?"

Junsik shrugs and chuckles to himself, kicking some of the dirt under his feet. "I don't know. He's cute right? I was thinking about asking him out".

Shinwon's eyes immediately flicker over to Wooseok, curious as to how the other would react.

"Asking him out" Wooseok repeats, already feeling jealously fill his chest.

"He's around here somewhere right? I might go find-..." but as he sets of to go find the brunette, he feels Wooseok's hand clasp over his wrist to prevent him from going.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you".


"Why not?" Jungsik asks, confused.

"He is seeing someone"

"Is it serious?" the boy questions.

Wooseok doesn't know how to respond to that, and out of habit just grits his teeth.

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