Part 1

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This is how I imagine them looking

Also for the sake of the story most boys will be the same age :)

Also for the sake of the story most boys will be the same age :)

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Today was meant to be a day like any other for Kino

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Today was meant to be a day like any other for Kino. He woke up, as he always did. Ate his breakfast, walked to school,  as he always did.

Kino was a good boy. A good student. His grades proved this. He was never late, he stayed behind if the teacher asked, he was friendly and kind. Everyone in class got on well with him. But he was also sharp, with a sharp tongue to match. He wasn't afraid to speak up or curse someone out if they deserved it. He had a mean side too. And if it needed to be shown, then he wouldn't be shy about it.

Kino also wasn't a bore. 

In fact the most recent new addition to his life was his audition for a company. That's right. He was scouted on the streets one day by someone, and asked if he wanted to audition. It sounded perfect. Kino loves dancing, hell he was amazing at it. And he loved writing songs.

He had considered it before but never felt brave enough, but the man approaching him felt like a sign so he did it and auditioned. He was now just waiting to hear if he had gotten in. If he was about to become a trainee. They could call him any day now.

Kino took his usual seat once he got to school, in one of the middle rows but towards the back of the room. He liked having the view of the class. So far only a few of the students actually showed up. They still had time before the first lesson started. It was a mixed school but the most of the classes were separate. All boys. Or all girls.


"Yeah" Kino says, not looking up from his phone since he knew who the voice belonged to

"Give me your homework to copy from"

"No way" Kino chuckles out, looking over to Shinwon for a brief second. "You are so bad at changing it. The teacher will know one of us copied"

"Be a good friend come on" Shinwon practically whines.

Yuto, wearing his long dangly earrings, with his hair styled but messy, just so happened to walk into the room and immediately whacked Shinwon with the notebook he had been holding. Right in the back of the head.

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