Part 11

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"Kino do me a favour" Wooseok says, voice deadpan.

"What is it.." Kino asks, his voice quiet since he feels dumb for yet again bringing up his lip

"If you ever see anything on my face, a cut, a bruise whatever. Don't mention it. Don't talk about it. Okay?" Wooseok asks, eyes staring blankly ahead as he thought about how many times this might occur.

"Is... is it like a common occurrence then?" Kino can't help but ask.

"It might be" Wooseok shrugs, his eyes finally flickering over to Kino. "Just don't mention it yeah? I don't care if people can see it. I just don't wanna talk about it. Alright?"

"But if something hap-..."

"Just ignore whatever I look like. Nothings happening. Just don't" Wooseok interrupts, eyes drilling holes into Kinos as if he was waiting for a confirmation from him.

"Alright" he nods once. "I guess. If that's what you want"

"Ideally you also won't make fun of it"

"Yeah fuck I'm so sorry I don't know why I brought it up again" Kino mentally curses himself.

"Cos you're an asshole who doesn't want to admit it"

"Hey" he whines, "I am sorry seriously"

"I know. I can tell in your face" the tallest of the two sighs out. "Whatever. Let's change the subject".


The silence falls upon the room for maybe a few seconds but it feels longer. There's slight awkwardness in the air.

"Sorry" Wooseok suddenly says and Kino can't help but quirk his brow in confusion.

"What for?"

"Making fun of you for being a virgin and like... abusing the fact and entering your bubble or whatever"

"My personal space?"


Weird. Kino didn't think Wooseok would come out with an apology so out of the blue. Did he actually feel bad.

"It's fine. I guess. I mean. Whatever"

"I have a problem with like thinking before I speak. Or thinking before I do. And I don't know if you've noticed but I have a temper"

Kino scoffs once and then clears his throat to pass it off. "What? Haven't noticed"

Wooseok ends up laughing and kicks Kino with his foot since he can reach easily. "Don't be an ass"

"Says the ass"

Wooseok rolls his eyes at the comment and then releases a heavy breath. With his head now resting against the wall he closes his eyes and just takes a moment. He didn't really feel like going home today. He couldn't be bothered to deal with his dad.

Kino takes that second or two to watch Wooseoks face. He looks tired. And he cannot seem the get this conversation out of his head. Ignore what he looks like? Perhaps he's one of those people who gets into fights on the streets. Or maybe he's in some kind of gang. That's it.

"Don't you have trainee practice today"

"Nah not today, but tomorrow I-...wait. How the fuck do you know" Kino asks, brows rising in shock. He sits up a little and points a finger at Wooseok yet again. "Who blabbed"

"Shinwon" Wooseok laughs

"That ass! Oh my god, what the hell. You can't tell anyone in class. I've been trying so hard to keep it a secret, oh my god I am going to kill him".

Made of Glass | Kino x Wooseok PTGWhere stories live. Discover now