Part 27

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They laughed so much. Kino doesn't remember what it was over. Who started making the jokes. Or when they got comfortable to sit on the couch, and push at each other's shoulders as more laughter followed.

"My stomach hurts" Wooseok whines out, clutching onto it from the amount of pain he felt in his abs from all the laughing.

"Me too, let's stop" Kino half chuckles half hums out.

Wooseok is almost half laying, half sitting on the couch, like he was melting into it, whereas Kino sat against the other arm rest with his legs pulled up against his chest.

The raven haired looks over to Kino and smiles. It was weird to see Wooseok this genuinely smiley. Kino hadn't ever seen it so in a way he felt like he wanted to remember this. Not that he cared.

Neither were too drunk. Well Wooseok kind was. They just felt lighter, and happy, and giddy, and comfortable. Enough to let the walls down. The guard wasn't there, not letting words or emotions through.

Wooseok was somewhat appreciative of this. And so perhaps this was why Kino found the courage to ask Wooseok about earlier.

"I was right, wasn't I?"

"About what?"

"Something was wrong. Is wrong. You were sad earlier".

Wooseok lets out this loud exasperated sigh through his nose and then nods, eyes now glued to his own feet that were spread out on the floor. "Yeah you were right".

"What was wrong? What is wrong" he might have a chance at finding out here.

Wooseok's eyes flicker over to the brunette, and he stays silent for a moment before finally speaking up "Trying to enter my head are you, Kino-ya?"

"Not necessarily. Just trying to see if there's anything I can do to help"

"Why would you even want to help me?"

Good question but unfortunately Kino doesn't have the answer. He's not a devil child. He doesn't wish ill upon people, and if someone he knew, someone he now kind of tolerated, was going through some kind of hell but he could do something about it then why not?

You never know what's going on behind closed doors for that person.

And boy was poor oblivious Kino unaware of what was truly happening.

He can only shrug at the question. "Just here I guess"

Here for him? Wooseok thought. That's almost weird. He's never had anyone he could confide in about his troubles or worries. Only maybe with one friend. Ever. And even they rarely spoke about it because Wooseok chose not to. He didn't like to.

But the alcohol in his body gave him a new type of personality, new confidence, new attitude of 'maybe I can let go this once' and hopefully Kino wouldn't remember this, or he would ignore once they were both sober and Wooseok asked him to just forget it.

"I'm sad" he starts off, eyes away from Kino's now and back on his feet. "I have a reason"

"Right" Kino gently coaxes, resting his chin on his knees as he continued looking at Wooseok. This big tall dark boy, who right now might be the most vulnerable he has ever seen.

"And when I'm sad I close off. I go quiet. I panic internally and no one knows it. I hide it well I think"


Wooseok chuckles low in his throat but continues, "And I don't know how to deal with my emotions because I bottle up shit, and I tend to bottle it up for years and stew on it all. But I'm sad today. I'm sad this week. I've been sad leading up to this week"

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