Part 45

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Wooseok was catching feelings. He hated that. He hated the fact that that short annoying kid got to him. How did he allow this to happen. Surely Kino was to blame. With his kindness, and sweetness and those gestures. The way he cared for Wooseok when he was hurt.

Wooseok was meant to be closed off from feelings completely, but as he stands by his bedroom window, smoking his second cigarette, he can't get that stupid smile out of his head.

"You fucker" he whispers to himself, inhaling in. "You know I didn't want this"

He tried to hold off and yet it happened. "How did you manage that" he whispers again.

Should he brave it and just be around him a little more? He did want that after all. To be in his presence. As annoying as the thought was. Kino was so frustrating but Wooseok has found it harder and harder to stay away from him. He wanted to swear himself off Kino but he just...couldn't.

Ah fuck it


As days went on Wooseok almost went back to his old self around Kino. Old self meaning, when he attempted to be nice. With arms around his shoulders, chatting during breaks, sitting with him and their friends during lunches. Kino started getting used to this niceness again, and he didn't question it either. He sort of just let it happen and he wasn't too sure why exactly.

Maybe that inner part of himself that he tried to bury just wanted to be around Wooseok and believed he had changed or that things would be okay this time around. That hug in Yanan's bathroom made him question some things. In that moment it felt that Wooseok was almost helpless, like he needed Kino.

"You know why life isn't the easiest" Wooseok says casually one day as they make their way to school. They bumped into each other on the way and decided to walk the rest of the way together.

"Isn't everyones?" Kino adds

"Well I guess, but you know I'm messed up. Sometimes I fuck up even when I don't wanna, but I like to believe I'm not a bad person"

"You have your moments"

Wooseok rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around Kino's shoulders, pulling him a little. "But around you I'm a bit better"

"Oh do I bring out the best in you, is that it?" Kino jokes with a chuckle, allowing himself to be pulled closer to Wooseok. He liked it. He liked how...close Wooseok had gotten to him recently, how touchy he had been. He couldn't keep away from him.

And right now it seemed the same for Wooseok. He couldn't stay away from Kino, as much as he should. To protect him.

"You've made me weirdly affectionate towards you recently, and I don't know how you did it" Wooseok points out ever so casually.

Kino is left speechless for a moment, what was he supposed to say now?

"Well you and many others. You see I have many suitors lining up for me"

Wooseok stops in his tracks, in turn making Kino do the same since he was still holding onto him. He grabs Kino by the arm and turns him to face him. With a serious look on his face he says, "Is that so?"

Kino shrugs "Might be"

So Wooseok pulls him closer, so much so that their chests are almost touching. "I hope it isn't. Cos you're mine right now"

Kino quirks his brow and inhales softly, trying to keep him cool. With a coy smile he pokes at Wooseok's cheek and pushes his face to the left. "Yeah you wish".

He turns on his heel and starts walking off but Wooseok grabs him by the wrist and makes him stop again. "You think I'm kidding. You're mine and that's how I want it"

Made of Glass | Kino x Wooseok PTGWhere stories live. Discover now