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Hey! I'm sorry for not updating soon because... y'know... characterai... I made a Hwang Eunbi and Hwang SinB, both are different, Hwang Eunbi is a girl crush in your school and Hwang SinB is SinB from GFriend/VIVIZ!


SinB's pov

I wanted to scream her name but I already see Krystal there, protecting her. The next scene even broke my heart.

I turned around and run to the elevator.

"Fuck! How messed up is this?" I whispered. The elevator opened and I wanted to step in.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jessica held my wrist and pulled me back out.

"Back home?"

"No, I didn't just call you there to go back home. Why do you want to go home?"

"They kissed! I want to go home because I can't take this anymore! Why didn't you tell me that they're dating?" I let everything out. She was shocked, that I know for sure.

Jessica pulled me into a hug and calmed me down.

"Let's go and find it out ourselves." She said.

Y/N's pov

"Unnie!" Krystal hugged me for a moment and calmed me down.

"What happened?"

"The door was open when I came home and there are are voices in there."

"There's no need to be scared, I'm here. Let's wait for Jess." I kissed her cheek and then we wait for Jessica Unnie.


"Hey, did you guys wait long?" Jessica Unnie asked us.

"No, we didn't, can we go now?" Krystal answered.

Jessica just nod and went first. Then I noticed that there's SinB too.

"Hi." I awkwardly say.

"Uh, hi." She replied.

We walked inside my house, only to see Haeun and her sister, I think?



I looked at them confused. I mean, they looked confused too.

"I'm sorry but, what's all that?" I asked.

"You know each other?" I point to SinB and Haeun.

"So you're dating her again?" She asked.

"No, I'm not. I'm not dating anyone at this moment." I answered.

"Remember when she protect you from me?" Haeun asked again.


"This time, she won't protect you anymore. And then she's all mine, since you have these two as your protector." She smirked.

I looked behind me, to see Jessica and Krystal looking worried. I turned around to see SinB's confused.

"I'm sorry, she is my protector too. She will always protect me and the same goes for these two and me!" I explained.

"Arschlöcher (Assholes)" I whispered.


"Arschlöcher." I spoke.

I know they won't understand, so I grinned.

"May you two step outside my apartment?" I asked.

"Not until you explain to them that you were a sl-"

"Yah! Wach your mouth!" Jessica fired.

"And you're not speaking!" Haeul fired back.

Welp! Another fight like last time.

"Oh, so you want to end up like last time?" Krystal scoffed.

"Aww, the most hated person speaks up." This time Naeun spoke.

"Yah!" Jessica shout.

Me and SinB are watching them fight. They'll win don't worry. Guys, I won't call the police or whatever because the Jung's will beat them easily up.

"Life sucks." I said.

"Agree... how're you with all these things going on?"

"Shitty. Don't worry Unnie, these two will beat their ass up." I said.


The Jung sis did beat their ass up. They ran home after being scolded by Jessica and Krystal. 

"Unnie, just come in." SinB stood by the door awkwardly and was hesitating if she should step in or not. 

She smiled and went inside. 

"Thanks Unnies. I shoudn't actually called you. I was just scared, thinking it was a murder."

"Nah, don't worry, we're a family." Jessica said and pulled us two in a hug. 

"You too, come on." She also pulled SinB with us.

"I love you all." She mumbled. 


"SinB, you want to come with us?" Krystal asked. 

"I'm fine here, thanks." They went out to buy food for us, while me and SinB are chilling at home.

The door closed and those akward silence returned. I cleared my throat as SinB sat uncomfy on my couch. 

"Unnie, please be comfortable." She nod and laid on my lap. I blushed and looked away. 

"Why're you looking away? You told me to be comfy." She laughed and pinched my cheeks. 

"Ah! It hurts!" I rub my cheeks to fade the burning. 

"Sorry." She smiled innocently.

"You're unforgiven." 


"nothing." I smiled and played with her hair. It kind of remind me from the past. 

"So... what now?" She asked. I shrug my shoulder and stroke her hair. 

"Let's just relax while the elders are buying groceries. Wanna watch a movie?" I looked at her and wait for response. 

She nod and sat up.

"Harry Potter?" This again? I mean... I watched it with her the last time we met... 

"Okay." I sigh and leaned on the sofa. The movie started and she has this big smile like she never watched it before. I miss this moment so much... 

SinB's pov

In the middle of the movie, I looked over to Y/N, only to see her sleeping. This kid really dislikes Harry Potter, I mean, how? Harry Potter's life! 

I really need to smile as I take out my phone and take a pic of her. 

I see her move slightly and her eyes flutter open.

"Did you- did you just take a pic of me?" She asked and scanned me, looking for my phone. 

"Yah unnie! Give me your phone! Delete it!" She reached her arm out for my phone but I pulled back. 

"Unnie!" She whined.

"I won't delete it!" I stuck my tongue out and ran away. 

She chased me and jumped as I raise my hand up, and since I'm taller, she couldn't reach it. Hah! 


"We're ba-" 

Both of us looked at Jessica and Krystal Unnie. Are we fucked? I mean... Krystal Unnie has this death stare, she looks through my soul.

Jessica Unnie looks kinda happy and smirk. Huh? 

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