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Y/ns pov

I was walking down the street and a girl bumped into me. "Hey! Watch where you're going! U- unnie? What are you doing here?" I looked up and saw SinB unnie.

"I was searching for you. Sowon unnie told me to." She smiled. I'll repeat it for you: She SMILED. My top bias smiled the first time to ME.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

She chuckled.

"No, they're just worried about you because you're not in our dorm these days. How's your mom?"

I was totally confused. She never do this.

"My mom is great?" That was unexpected but she suddenly burst into laughter.

"U- unnie?"

She tried hard to breathe.


"W- why are you laughing?"

"Because you're cute."

Me? Cute? I think she's on her period week.

"M- me?" Now I was shocked.

"No, a girl called y/n."

There she is again. Sometimes I forgot that she's one of our beagle sister.

"So... Why did Sowon unnie called me?"

She calmed down her laughter.

"I don't know. She just said I should go and search for you." She shrugged her shoulder.

"Anyways... What happened?"

"What do you mean unnie?"

"About your mom, what happened? You don't have to hide it. We can share things."

I don't want to tell her what happened.

"Everything is fine with her. Why?"

I tried my best to smile.

"Come on, I know you're hiding something. Should I do aegyo for you?"

Aegyo? She hates aegyos and I kinda wanna see it too.

"No, she's really okay, I mean it." I decided to lie.

"Ok if you say so. Then... Let's go?"

"Go where?"

I need to visit my mom. How can I say that?

"Go to our dorm? Where do you want to go?"

She put her arm around my shoulders.

Shit, what should I say? I don't want to lie. It's a secret. Ugh!



"Do you really want to know about my mom?"

"You can let your stress out to me, don't worry too much, it's okay." She gave me the warmest smile.

I sighed.

"My mom got into an accident after I went home from the first night in your dorm. She could've died. After the second surgery, she's very weak and couldn't walk nor eat. She got  weaker and weaker everyday." I could feel my tears fighting in me.

I looked down not to show her my sad face because I don't like to be sad in front of someone.


She put her arms around my waist and pulled me to her. She HUGGED ME! I can't believe it.

My tears started to fall. I buried my face on her shoulder and cried.

She hugged me tighter.

"So... You wanna visit her?"

I nodded.


"Umma? I'm here."

My mom opened her eyes and looked at me. She showed a weak smile. I smiled back and walked toward the bed.

"How are you, honey? Are you doing great with your job and school?"

I nodded. She looked behind me.

"Is that one of the GFriend members that you're working with?"

"Yes, her real name is Hwang Eunbi."

"Hello Mrs. Park." She bowed to my mom.

"Eunbi, you can call me umma."

"Yes, umma."

"Y/n, do some of your classmates still bully you?" That was unexpected from my mom and she said that in front of SinB unnie. Thatshould be a secret.

"No, they don't." I looked behind and saw SinB with a shocked face.

"It's nothing." I mouthed.

"You are going to say what happened in school." She mouthed back.

I gulped and put on a smile.

"Y/n you can go and work now and it was great to see you Eunbi- ah." My mom smiled.

"It was nice to see you too umma. Bye." She waved and waited for me.

"Bye umma." I gave her a peck on her cheeks and we went out of the hospital.

"So, what happened at school?" She looked at me with a serious face.

"I said it's nothing unnie."

"Bullying is something y/n. Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"I don't have to tell you everything. Why are suddenly, after a long time interested in me!" I accidently raised my voice. People around us are glaring.

"Let's go back to the dorm and talk." She said and pulled me.


She closed the door and shoved me in her room.

"Now tell me what happened."

"Like I already said, it's nothing! You never acted like that towards me before! What's wrong with you?! You know, you're my top bias and I really love you, but as you acted cold towards me, I thought it was because you didn't forgive me that I bumped into you! And now you're trying to talk to me!" I tried to calm down but I raised my voice again.

"Look, it's not what you think!"

"Then what is it?!" I almost screamed. SinB flinched from my voice.

"It's because I like you! At first, I really hate you because your not my type but then, there was always a feeling when I see you, a feeling that I never had before in my life! I found out that it was love! I tried to ignore the feeling but I can't!" Now it was me that's shocked.

"W- what?" My voice softens when I heard the word "love".

"I like you y/n, I acted cold towards you because I don't know how to express my love to you."

"I- i..." I was loss for words.

"I- I'm sorry." She said and looked at the floor.

"I- I should say sorry because I started the fight."

I sat down on her bed and gesture her to sit next to me. She obeyed and sat beside me with her face still down. I hugged her.

"I'm sorry that I screamed at you, I'm sorry." I whispered. She hugged back. "Can we stay like this for a while?" She asked. I nodded, holding her tight in my arms with her face buried on my shoulder.

Cool Hot Sweet Love (SinB & fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now