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Double Update!!!
I don't know what I'm writing! Don't hate me for that!

Y/ns pov

"Btw, what happened?"


"Just tell me if you're ready, don't force yourself. I'll call you later Y/N, bye"

"Bye, take care"

"You too" Then she hung up.

"Guys, I'll leave for a few days. The house is yours. Don't do anything stupid like doing a party in here. Take care." Before they could even respon, I closed the door and changed the code to my sisters birthdate.

"What did I do wrong?!" I just kissed you!" Fuck! He's still out here.

"And you nearly raped me! You pervert! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Really!" I screamed. I walked to my car and drove away.


"Oh! Y/N sweetheart what are you doing here? Is Eunbi not with you?" I got tense as I heard her name.

"No, she's at work right now. I just came to drop by and visit you." I smiled.

"Oh? You again?" Her brother asked as I bowed to him.

"Y/N honey, just rest in her room, I'll call you later for dinner." Her mom said and shoved me in her room, she closed the door and let me alone there.

I sighed as my tears slowly appeared. I laid down on her bed and covered myself with her blanket. I sniffed her scent and cried silently. The door opened and I wiped my tears away.

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" Her mom asked and sat on the bed. I smiled and nod at her.

"If there's something wrong you can tell me about it." I burst into tears as she took me in her arms. She stroked my hair until I calmed down.

Authors pov

SinBs mother laid her down to bed and slept next to her.

"I miss you Eomma." She mumbled.

"Eunbi left me, she doesn't love me, it was my fault. I hurt her. I'm sorry Eunbi, he forced me, I couldn't help. Eomma, can I fix this? I think I can't, why is everyone leaving me? Rest well Eomma, I will see you someday" She cried again. Her mother heard everything and held her close.


Y/N woke up as the sun hit her. She breathed a scent from SinB and looked around. No trace of SinB, only Angkoo.

"Guess I'll be alone again." She murmurs and went in the bathroom to take a hot shower and forget everything... for a moment.

As she finished her morning routine, SinBs mom greet her with a smile on her face. Y/N smiled back and sat down on the table.

"Good Morning Eomma." She said.

"Morning honey. I made you breakfast." She smiled brightly.

Y/N thanked her and started to eat.

"Good Morning Y/N." Her dad walked out from their bedroom and yawned.

"Yeobo," Her mom laughed at him as Y/N washed the dishes.

"Good Morning Appa." She said brightly.

"Do you want to have some too?" She asked.

"No thanks, I'm going to work now, see you." He kissed Y/N on her head and went off.

"Where's Angkoo?" Her mom asked, looking for the white dog. She shrugged and continued to eat.

"She was sleeping with you."

"I saw her before shower, I don't know where she is right now."

"Angkoo!" Y/N called her. The white dog came jogging from the bathroom. Y/N burst out laughing.

"Angkoo- yah, what were you doing in the bathroom? Do you want to take a shower too?" She asked and took her on the laps.

"Aigoo, you're so funny." Her mom also laughed.

After she finished her breakfast she took her leave.

"Thanks Eomma, I'll see you later." Her mom gave her a kiss on her cheek and sent her off.


"Miss Park, the costumer wants to have this design for him. I know it's a little har-"

"I can do this, don't worry." She smiled. It's been a few days since she dove into work for 24/7. Even Jessica, her boss, couldn't stop her.

"Y/N- ah, that's enough, I know it's been tough for you, but you need to stop and get rest." She scold.

"What's the need to sleep? It's just a waste of time." She said, waving her boss away. (AU: I regrett saying sleep is a waste of time! Sleep is my everything (MY BED!) so I don't need to fill my head with homeworks.)

Jessica just sighed and went back to her seat.


"Sweatheart, how are you? How's work?" Eunbis mom asked through the phone.

"I'm fine, I'm working for a new design right now, since I've got nothing to do."

"Don't forget to call your sister. Stay safe honey, I love you."

"I love you too." She mumbled. Pulling out a vape in her pocket, she took a breath and blew out.

"Hey Y/N! Aren't you joining us?" Krystal stuck her head out from the balcony. Y/N hid her vape and put it back in her hidden pocket.

"There you are! I was searching all over your place." Jessica laughed.

"Your apartment is quiet big. I didn't know I can get lost in here, too many rooms." Krystal joined. Y/N let out a laugh.

"I know, I also got lost too sometimes in this big apartment of mine. I don't know why Seulhui Unnie got me this."

"She's the CEO, that's why."

"I mean, your sister is also the big CEO AND a singer. That's more than my sister."

They got into a deep conversation about their life and chatted longer than expected.

"Hey Y/N, I need to go now, I have a meeting tomorrow." Jessica took her leave. Now it's only Krystal and Y/N alone.

"So, since we're alone now, how're you?" Krys started.

"I'm doing good." Y/N said with a smile plastered on her face. Krystal suspect something behind this smile, she knew it's fake.

"I know you're not, what happened that it's only me who doesn't know about."

Y/N let out a cold chuckle and frowned.

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