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Sorry to take a little while to update again. Really sorry! Uhm... Here is the next chap. Thanks for reading!! I hope You guys will like it!!


SinBs pov

Why can't I have a time with Y/N right now? Every time if I'm busy but have time for her, she's busy or has something to do. *pout

"Y/N?" I did aegyo.

"Yes sweety?"

Sweety... She called me sweety.

"Can I... can I hug you?" Shit! That's so cringe! She spread her arms and I jumped in her hug and listened to her heart beat.

"You know that I love you?" I asked.

"Of course I know that. You're my love, my everything." She confessed. I smiled ear to ear without noticing that she's starring at me.

"Right now, you smile like an idiot." She laughed. I pouted and punch her arm.
"Ouch!" She whined. I didn't punch her that hard tho.

"I love you"

She smiled and kissed me.

"Let's go, they're waiting for us." She said and held my hand tightly, giving it a squeeze.

"What took you two so long?" Sara asked.

"She nearly beat me up, don't worry, I know her weakness." She laughed. I stood there not understanding a thing, but still smiled.

"Y/N, I need to go back to the dorm, I have a concert tomorrow, will you come with-"

My sentence got cut when the door opened and Eunhas head popped in.

"Yah! SinB, you need to comeback to the dorm. It's late already." She scold me and stepped in.

"Oh! Hi!" She said shyly. Y/N and me laughed as she glared at us.

"What were you asking Eun!" Y/N asked me.

"Will you come with me to the dorm?" I asked hopefully.

"Pwease?" I did my puppy eyes that no one actually has seen.

"Eunbi! What's wrong with you?" Eunha screamed.

"I'll sneak in your dorm tonight." Y/N whispered.

"I'll go now, see you later, love you." I kissed her cheeks and went back to the dorm.

"Who were these people?" Eunha Unnie asked me.

"They're Y/Ns friends from Swiss." I explained. She just nodded.


At night, I was waiting for her to sneak in. As I heard the door open, I ran out to the front door. She let out a shriek as I lift her up and spun her around.

"Eunbi!" She laughed.

"Let me down!"

I didn't let her down and carry her to my bedroom. I laid her down and snuggle next to her.

"Unnie, I need to change into pyjamas." She tried to free herself in my arms.

"The clothes are in the second closet."

"I know." She said and picked up some random pjs. After changing her clothes, she sneaked in my arms and rest there. I turned around in a sleep position to make myself comfortable. She put her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Night Eun." She said tired.

"Night, love you." I kissed her forehead.

"Love you too."


"SINB! YOU NEED TO WAKE UP NOW!!!" Umji dived into the bed.

"Aahh! It hurts! Umji- ah!"

"Ahh! What the hell?!"

Umji laughed and laid between us.

"Wake up! You need to work! We have a schedule!" Umji slapped my stomache.

"Can't you stop hurting me?"

"No, I'm sorry." She laughed and laid on my soon to be wife.

"Aigoo, uri maknae." She pinched my girlfriends cheeks.

"Unnie~" She whined. Umji then kissed on her right cheek.

"Yah! Kim Yewon! She's mine~!" I pout. Umji just laughed and trailed kisses down to her neck. My girlfriends breath hitched and her eyes closed as Umji kissed her sweet spot.

I got up and pulled her off of my 'wife' and kissed her passionately.

"Fine, I give up." She playfully rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Don't forget that you have a schedule." She remind SinB and closed the door. 

"C'mon Unnie, you can do this."

"Do what?"

"Stand up, change your clothes, brush your teeth, wash your fa-" 

Y/N felt a heavy thing flying on her face.

"I'm not a kid!" Her girlfriend whined.

"But you are my big baby." Y/N giggled.

"You want me to help you change your clothes?" She smirked. 

"If you want so~" She sat on her bed and streched her arms for Y/N to pull up her shirt. 

Authors pov

"YAH! What took you two so long?" Eunha asked and looked suspicously at them.

The two couple exchanged glances, not knowing what to say.

Eunha sighed and said,

"If you want to eat each other up, then after schedule."

SinB winked and kissed the youngers lips and bid her goodbye. 


"Y/N! Long time no see!" 

"Gosh! Unnie! We're in public!" Y/N hissed and make sure that no one heard her.

"You didn't miss me?" She gasped and pretend to be hurt. You chuckled.

"By the way, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in another country?" She asked.

"Oh, it was a short Photo shooting Y/N... that's why... didn't you miss me?"

"Krys, out of the blue?" You giggled and she pouted. Damn, she never pout in public for a close person. 

"Let's just go!" The older said and pulled Y/N in Blanc & Eclare building.

"What are we doing in here?" Y/N asked.

"You need to work, my sis told me to accompany you." She smiled and sat on my desk. I sighed and gave in.


"Unnie~ More work? I thought it was all!" She whined. Krystal just laughed and pat your head. 

"That's what Jessica needs to do. Just a little more work then we can go home."

"But I don't want to!"

"Oh, you can do that Y/N/N, imagine being a chairwoman." She laughed. Y/N quickly glared at her and continued to do her work.

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