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Authors pov

She was alone, trying to have some ideas to design for her own clothes.

"Y/N! Aren't you coming with us?" Her boss popped out of nowhere in her office and startled her. Her pen fell out from her hand and she jumped.

"Unnie! You know how knock, right? Hey! Why are you laughing?" She said in English. Jessica laughed her ass off. Y/N pouted and stomp all the way to the elder one.

"I'm fine- just- let me wipe my tears." Y/N pushed her lightly by her shoulder and made her stumble back.

"Okay, I'm sorry, you can stop pushing me. Let's go, Krys is waiting for us." She dragged the younger out.

"Btw where are we going?" Y/N asked.

"It's a surprise. I'm sure you're gonna flip out from shock since you don't watch that much news and stay in your room and draw something alone."

Y/N didn't want to spoil their surprise and didn't fish out her phone.

Jessica saw this and smiled in victory but she's also worried because Y/N truly wouldn't like to go there and see someone she doesn't expect. Walking out from their company, they saw Krystal leaning against her car, trying to look-

"You know you suck at that! Don't even try!" Y/N blurted. Soojung frowned and tried to calm her anger before she chase this kid around. Her older sis on the other hand was already crying while holding her stomach.

"What?" She felt the Jung sisters eyes boring in her. Jess full with tears while Krys was red from anger.

"Don't we have to go somewhere?" The youngest asked and hopped in the car, followed by the other two.

The ride was silent due to Krystal's madness.

"You better prepare for a payback honey. It won't be soft." Y/N playfully rolled her eyes as Soojungs eyes trying to kill her.

"You don't have any nightmares again, right?" Krystal asked. Y/N nodded and stayed silent. Since her dream of SinB she barely sleeps because she's scared to fall more since she's on the stage of moving on. She looks outside as Jess search for the parking garage.

"Why are we at BPM?" She asked. Krys walked to the counter and asked for the name while Jessica tried to answer the questions.

"Guys, come on!" They soon followed the secretary to the practice room.

"We will let you go now and don't be upset for who's inside." Krystal said and the two sisters walked away. Y/N knocked on the door and actually know who it is but tried to be shocked.

"Hwang Eunbi?" She saw the girl on the floor, resting from practice.

"What are you doing here?" She greeted as her unexpected guest face palm herself.

"Visit you. Let me just buy you food, you must be hungry." Then she ran off.

"Did she just leave me alone?" She scoffed. The door opened again.

"Oh! I forgot to pick up your water, just wait here." Then she walked off again.

"I need to practice, I can't go anywhere else." She whispered to herself with sarcasm.

The door opened for the third time and her ex walked in with water.

"How are you? I'm so sorry for what happened there. Where are the others?" Her voice soft like always.

"If you're going to talk about it then leave. It's none of your business actually!" She just nod and sat next to SinB.

"How are you?" She asked and looked at the older one.

"After what happened to us? I'm not fine. I'm still suffering because of you! Park Y/N! I expect you to talk to me after what happened! And what did you do? Nothing! I was waiting for your texts every time and I can't even focus on my job because of you! Do you really love me?"

"I'm sorry-"

"Apologizing is nothing! Now leave me alone! And I hope not to see your face again!" She spat. Y/N looked shocked as her eyes brimmed with tears and turned her heels. Before she stepped outside, she said,

"And I hope not to care about you when you're in trouble. Again, I'm sorry." Her voice shaking and tears already running down.

She closed the door with a loud slam and ran outside. Y/N didn't care where she was running nor those people glaring at her.

Minutes later, she found herself in front of an old gate. She walked in and sat down on her mothers tombstone and cried.

"Eomma! I miss her, I miss her so much but she pushed me away! I don't have a chance with her, do I?" She laughed full of bitterness. Rains started to drop on her face as she looked up to the sky.

"Are you playing with me too? I should've just stayed inside and locked the door before Sica could even open it." She chuckled.

"How I wish you're still here. Am I and Unnie the only ones in our family left? I hope not." There was just silent except the rain.

"I'm just talking to myself alone. No one's here. No one even cares." She whispered and hugged her knees tightly while leaning against the tombstone.


The taller got pulled by the older.

"We need to search for her! She's not in the room either!" Jessica hissed.

"How should I know about that? She also needs her time alone Unnie."

"But she's always alone in the office. She needs to be at home or the cemetery when she's pissed or sad."

Krystal tried to call Y/N.

"She won't pick up her phone and it's raining hard outside!" Krys panicked and pulled her sister to their car.

"Where are we going?" Jessica tried to stop her sis but Soojung won't let her.

"We're going to find her before something even happens. Come on! You don't want her to get sick and lost in this weather!"

The car engine starts and they drive off.


"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" She screamed and breathed out. SinB slowly then sobbed on her knees next to the table in the practice room.

"Why did I say all of these? I'm so stupid!" She whispered. She spot her empty water bottle and crush it.

"Why! Why! Why! Why! Are you playing with me heaven?!" She cried harder and actually expect Y/N to come and embrace her.

"What are you doing to me?"

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