Snow Day (Jack x Wally x Thomas)

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(Wally's Pov)

I stared out one of the studio's windows at the white snowy landscape outside. It's beautiful out there. I honestly want to go play out there. But I knew the others were too busy to do it, and it would be boring alone. I sighed and grabbed my mop, going to look around for something to clean. I walked past Jack's office and peeked inside. But strangely enough he wasn't inside. Eh, not my problem. He can do what he wants. But when I went to Thomas's office it was also empty. Again, it's none of my business. He's probably breaking a pipe. But as I walked past the break room I was quickly met by the smiling faces of my best friends.

"Wally!" Jack called, walking up to me. "Guess what!"

"What?" I questioned, curious as to what they were so excited about.

"Henry gave us a longer break because some of the heaters broke and they need to fix them, but I don't know how to fix them." Thomas explained, grinning wide. "So we figured the three of us could go outside and have a snow day!"

"Wait, really?!" I asked, feeling a smile appear on my face. When they nodded I grabbed both of their hands. "Well, come on then! Let's go!"

I dragged them to the front of the studio, grabbing our jackets and throwing them on. Well, Thomas had this thick black jacket, Jack had a bit of a thinner looking blue one, and I just had a really thick sweater. I like sweaters more. But we quickly went out the front door into the snow covered world.

"It's so pretty..." I marvelled, looking around at the scenery.

(Thomas's Pov)

"It's so pretty..." my red-haired beauty said, looking around in wonder.

Not as pretty as you... I thought to myself, smiling a bit as me and Jack followed the energetic janitor. We glared at each other behind Wally's back. Truth is we were kind of fighting over Wally. We both loved and adored him, but we knew he couldn't date us both. So we started fighting for his affection. Jack had the upper hand, since he had known Wally longer, so I was at a disadvantage already. Not to mention Jack was more attractive, was nicer, was really good at singing- AH SHUT IT BRAIN-

(Jack's Pov)

We followed behind the ginger, glaring at each other when Wally wasn't looking. We were basically at war for Wally's heart, wanting the janitor to ourselves. Thomas had the upper hand since him and Wally worked together a lot, so I was already at a disadvantage. Not to mention how clever he is, how nice he is and how hot he is- AH FUCKING SHUT UP BRAIN-

(Wally's Pov)

I looked behind me and saw my friends blushing, crossing their arms and looking away from each other. If I'm being honest I kind of ship them, so this made me very happy to see. I made a small snowball and strayed from the path we were walking down, hiding behind a bush. Soon enough they both noticed and started looking around. I waited for the perfect time and threw the snowball at Jack, causing him to fall onto Tom. They both groaned and sat up in a tangle of limbs, looking over at me.

Tom smiled and grabbed his own snowball. "Oh, it is on!"

(3rd person)(Wow much Pov Change)

The three idiots played in the snow for nearly an hour, throwing snowballs at one another and such. Jack even set a trap for one of the others to fall into. By the end they were all exhausted, but they still weren't giving up. Or at least Wally and Jack weren't. Thomas just laid in the middle of the battle field, basically waving the white flag because he was tired. The other two walked over to him, but instead of having him get up they just laid beside him.

"That was fun." Wally giggled a bit, looking over at his friends. "We should do this more often."

"Agreed. But now we're gonna freeze to death." Thomas commented, sitting back up. "Let's get back to the studio."

"Yeah, I've gotta agree." Jack responded, sitting up with Tom. The tip of his nose was turning red from the cold. The lyricist stood up and went over to the janitor, scooping him up in his arms. "Cmon fluffball, time to go inside."

"Noooo! I dont wanna!" Wally whined, trying to struggle out of his friends grasp as they walked back to the studio. He was free after about ten minutes. Only to be picked up by Tom. "You guys are mean!"

"Mhm, sure. We're so mean for saving you from getting hypothermia." Tom said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, we would rather you don't get sick." Jack agreed, nodding his head.

"Ya'll act like an old married couple and I'm your child!" Wally whined again, seeing both of their faces turn red. He started grinning. "Ohh~ Does someone have a crush?"

"No we dont!" Jack said quickly, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"You two like each other, dontcha?" The janitor asked, grin widening.

"What- No we don't-" Tom stuttered, pulling his hood over his head.

"I-I mean, we do have crushes, but not each other!" Jack insisted, face far too red for it to be believable.

"So you like each other and someone else?" Wally questioned, tilting his head. The two reluctantly nodded, much to each other's surprise. "So who's the third link?"

"Well, you know him pretty well..." Jack mumbled, smiling nervously.

"Probably better than anyone else." Thomas added, smiling along with Jack.

"He's really cute and fluffy." Jack continued, face turning pink.

"Plus super sweet and caring." Thomas was now grinning, face burning red.

Wally tried to make his tiny little brain work with all his might, but to no avail. "Just tell meee!" He whined in defeat.

"Aw c'mon Wally..." Jack started, leaning over and placing a kiss on Wally's forehead. "It's you, fluffball."

"Yup." Thomas nodded, following what Jack did and placing a kiss on the janitor's cheek.

"HEH?!" Wally blurted out, face flushing red. He quickly covered his face with his hands to hide his flustered face.

"Aww, come on Walls." The mechanic said teasingly, still holding Wally in his arms. "Don't hide your pretty little face!"

"Shut it!" The redhead yelled, punching Tom's chest.

"Nah, I don't think we will." Jack teased as the three of them walked back into the studio. "I mean, your face is the same colour as your hair!"

"Jacky, shut it!" He repeated, trying to struggle out of Thomas's arms still. He failed miserably. "I gotta go do my work!"

"Nope. You need to cuddle with us. I can feel how cold you are." Thomas stated, holding the janitor closer.

It was true. Wally felt freezing. But he would never admit it. So the three went back to Wally's closet, and Jack grabbed a spare blanket from the shelf. They had them there in case they got stuck in the studio and it was cold. The three sat against the back wall, with Thomas and Jack sitting next to each other with Wally still in Thomas's arms, and Jack wrapped the blanket around them all.

"You're lucky you're comfy..." Wally muttered, cuddling up to Tom's chest. He mumbled something incoherent, before small snores were heard from him.

"Huh. He fell asleep fast." Jack muttered, leaning his head on Tom's shoulder. Tom blushed a bit before leaning his head on top of Jack's. "Well uh... are we still competing for him..?"

"Hm. Nah." Tom responded, wrapping his arm around the lyricist's waist. "Now you're also in my cold, dead heart. Good luck trying to leave."

Jack smiled a bit and curled up to Tom's side. "Doesn't seem like the worst place to be."

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