Lost Souls (Wally and Buddy Angst)

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(Wally's Pov)

I was just walking through the forest late at night. You may be wondering why. It's because I finally ran away from home. I'm 18 now, and I finally got enough money to buy an apartment for me and my little brother. But before I could grab all our money our mom found out. So I had to get us out of there before she hurt us anymore. I did have a couple bruises and cuts, but at least Daniel was safe. Right now I have him on my back, asleep. But unfortunately since we had to run away fast I went straight to the woods. And now we're lost.

I found a nearby log and sat down, taking Daniel off my back and sitting him next to me. He shivered from the cold, so I took one of the blankets from my bag and wrapped it around him. I felt myself start to tear up. I just had to mess up our one chance to get out. And now we're in the middle of the forest, freezing without any food. And it's all my fault.

"Are you alright?" I jumped a bit at the sudden noise, looking around. The source of the voice was nowhere to be found. "Why are you crying?"

I just hugged Daniel closer, before responding to the voice. "We just ran away from home... but our mom found the money we were going to use to buy a house, so now we have nowhere to go..."

"That's... unfortunate..." A second voice said. "Is that where you got all those injuries from?"

"Yeah... Wait, where are you..?" I asked, looking around for any sign of the voices again. "Oh gosh i'm going crazy..."

"You aren't going crazy, you poor soul." The first voice stated. A breeze started blowing the hair out of my face. "I am the wind blowing through your hair."

Suddenly some small flowers sprouted around my feet and on the log. "And I am the nature that grows around you." The second voice said.

"That's impossible..." I muttered. But when I looked back up from the flowers I yelped and jumped a bit, upon seeing two figures standing in front of me.

One was extremely tall, abnormally tall, with dark skin and short black hair. Instead of their sclera being white it was black, and the irises were pure white. Their clothes were tattered and flow-y, with a white button up with long strands of fabric on the sleeves that flowed in the wind and black pants. I also noted chains on their ankles. The second was only about a foot shorter than the first, with pale skin and shoulder length black hair. They had brown eyes, with hints of green in it. They had antlers similar to a deer's on top of their head, with vines growing over it. They had a grey jacket on and a white tattered t-shirt, with ripped blue jeans. They were covered in vines, some with flowers growing on them.

I stood up with Daniel in my arms, backing away from the two. "What the heck..."

"You don't have to be afraid. We're the ones who are here to help you." The one with antlers said, cautiously walking up to me. He simply patted my head, before retracting their hand. "My name is Jack."

"And I'm Thomas." The other said, standing beside Jack. "What's your name?"

"Uh... Wallace, but you can call me Wally. And this is my little brother, Daniel." I stuttered, looking up at the two. "But... What are you two? Why are you here?"

"We're here to help you, lost soul." Thomas said, extending his hand. "Come with us."

I hesitantly took the taller man's hand. He smiled and started walking with me in between him and Jack. But as we did I slowly felt myself relax, and my worry melted away. 

"You asked us what we were before. Do you still want to know?" Jack asked. I nodded and looked up at him. "We are like you. We're people who were lost souls. But now we are found. And we help those who are lost become found."

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