I give up. (Wally and Buddy Angst)

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(Tw! Mentions of death and suicide)

(3rd Person)

Wally gave up.

He lost his only family he had left.

He lost his brother.

Daniel was sick for months, always coughing and wheezing and puking. Eventually it got to the point he was hospitalised. Wally visited every day, while no one else in the studio knew. Daniel didn't want them to know. He didn't want them to worry. And Wally listened to his brother's wishes. He visited until the day Daniel closed his eyes for the last time.

Wally sat beside the bed, holding his brother's hand and crying. He could see the light fading from his eyes.

"Wally...?" he spoke up in a hoarse voice.

"I'm here, Daniel. What do you need?" The redhead asked.

"Can you sing me the song you sang to me when I was little?" the ill boy asked, looking up at his brother. "Please..?"

Wally smiled sadly. "Of course. Anything for you, Buddy."

And so Wally did just that. He sang the song he wrote for his brother when they were kids. He wasn't the best singer, or the best at making music, but Buddy didn't care. He listened as his brother sang the song he named 'This is Home'. Buddy listened, and as he began to see the light fade he smiled sadly up at his brother, before everything faded away. Wally watched as the last of his brother's life left him, before breaking down sobbing.

No one knew why Wally was so down, or why Daniel stopped coming to work. People would try to talk to him, but Wally ignored everyone. He even ignored his best friend, Jack. Everyone was worried, but they thought he would eventually talk to them. But he didn't. He didn't talk to anyone for two months straight after the funeral. And the workers were tired of waiting for answers.

Wally walked into the break room when it was probably the furthest thing from break time, grabbing a cup of coffee. But he was startled when the doors to the room slammed shut. He was met with a concerned looking staff blocking the door, with Jack in the front of the group.

"Wally, we need to talk." The lyricist said sternly. "Why have you been avoiding us recently?"

Wally stayed silent. His usually energetic eyes were dull.

"Wally, answer us!" Susie shouted, concerned. "You haven't talked to anyone for over two months! Why?!"

Wally stayed silent. His hair looked like a rat's nest with how tangled it was.

"Cmon, Franks!" Thomas spoke up from the back. "We want to help you dammit! Tell us what's wrong!"

Wally stayed silent. There were dark circles under his eyes.

"Wally ya gotta talk to us!" Shawn yelled, slightly angry and mostly worried. "We can't help you if you dont!"

Wally stayed silent. It was clear he had been crying.

"Wally, we will go get your brother." Henry stated. "He'll be able to make you talk to us. So please, talk to us."

Wally tensed up, and whispered something under his breath.

"What was that?" Grant asked.

"You can't go get my brother..." The janitor whispered.

"Why not?" Allison questioned.

Wally stayed silent.

"Wally, why can't we go get your brother?" Norman asked.

Wally stayed silent.

"Wally, answer us!" Sammy said.

"You want the fucking answer that damn bad?" He spat, venom lacing his tone. They were all taken aback. Wally almost never swore, and he never sounded this aggressive. "You wanna know why you cant go fucking find my brother? You wanna know why we were absent from work for months? You wanna know why Daniel hasn't come to work in months?"

"Yeah..?" Lacie said, sounding confused.

"Maybe because he is FUCKING DEAD!" When that line left his mouth the others fell silent. "Maybe I hadn't been in the highest spirits because I had to sit with my brother in the hospital for months! Maybe I hadn't been working as long so I could spend time with him! Maybe I took work off for a month because his condition got worse! Maybe I've been down because I watched MY FUCKING BROTHER DIE RIGHT INFRONT OF ME! MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, I HAVEN'T BEEN TALKING TO YOU ALL BECAUSE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO KEEP MY WILL TO LIVE INTACT! MAYBE I HAVEN'T BEEN TALKING TO YOU ALL BECAUSE I! FUCKING! GIVE! UP!"

By the end hot tears were streaming down the janitor's face. All the others looked at the broken man infront of them, feeling their hearts shatter and tears start falling down their own faces. But in the shock of the news they received they didn't react fast enough to Wally running out of the break room.

"WALLY, WAIT!" Jack yelled after the janitor. But before he could Wally just vanished.

That night they all went back home crying. None of them expected that they would hear the youngest worker in the studio died. Let alone from his own older brother. Henry went home and sobbed, mourning the loss of his dear friend. Sammy ended up staying at Norman's house, both of them crying into each other. Grant and Shawn went back to their shared home, Grant trying to console the Irishman while trying to keep himself calm. Lacie and Susie curled up in bed, crying and hugging each other. Allison went with Thomas to comfort him, while also trying to comfort herself. Jack kept crying and texting Wally, worried for his friend. But none of his texts were responded to.

The next morning Jack woke up, a slight headache from the sob fest that was last night. Wally still hasn't responded to his texts either. But he knew he probably needed space. So he got dressed and went to work, hoping to see Wally there. But he didn't. Everyone looked around for him, but he wasn't there. It made sense though. He probably needs time.

Jack was leaning against the counter in the break room during break time. Everyone's mood was down. Obviously. No one dared to speak, not knowing what to say. But eventually the silence was broken by Jack's phone ringing. He instantly picked it up and put it on speaker phone, hearing a woman's voice from the other side.

"Hello? Is this Jack Fain?" She asked.

"Yes, this is. Who is this?" The lyricist responded, a bit confused.

"This is officer Victoria of the NYPD." She said.

"Wait, why are you calling me-?" Jack questioned, still confused.

"Do you know someone by the name of Wallace Franks?" The officer asked.

"Yeah, he's my best friend and coworker." Jack replied, growing more worried. "Why? What happened?"

The next thing the officer said made all of their hearts drop.

"...I'm sorry for your loss, Mr.Fain. But Mr.Franks attempted to take his life this morning. He threw himself off of the bridge on ***** street. While the initial impact did not kill him he ended up drowning in the river. Again, I'm sorry for your loss."

The people in the room completely broke down. He's dead. Wally's dead. First Daniel. Now him. None of them could believe it. But it was true. It was on the news later that day. And at his funeral none of them could stop crying. It was unfair. Neither of them deserved this. They deserved long and happy lives. They didn't deserve to die so early. Meanwhile in the afterlife the brothers were reunited, much to Wally's joy and Daniel's dismay. Wally was happy to be with his brother again. Daniel was sad because he wanted his brother to live for longer. But what's done was done. Wally had given up.

(...I am so sorry-)

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