Drag Queen (Jack Fluff)

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(This was requested by one of my friends! They don't have Wattpad I don't think, but if you're reading this thank you for all your prompts!)

(No one's Pov)

From a young age Jack knew he was different. He loved watching fashion shows on the TV, even though he wasn't supposed to, and always wondered what it was like to wear their clothes. But his mother always told him how he shouldn't even associate with that stuff. She often guilted him into listening to her, since she got sick so often. He still watched it at his father's house, since he didn't care much. His parents were divorced, and he always preferred his fathers house. Unfortunately he had to spend most of his time with his mother. He loved her, but she was a bit much at times. Especially with her homophobia. She learned one of Jack's friends was trans once and she absolutely flipped out, and forbade him from seeing him. He always did though, since they had been friends since they were five.

He still remembered when he was 17 and his mother was dying due to cancer. He was sitting at the side of her bed crying his eyes out. But that didn't stop his mother's homophobia. Her last wish was for Jack to not be involved with anything lbgtq+ related. Always guilting the poor boy to the end. And he agreed. When she died he kept suppressing himself, never even talking about the drag shows or watching them anymore. He did still keep his queer friends, since he wasn't interested in losing the only friends he had, but he didn't engage in any openly gay things. He eventually got a job writing lyrics in an animation studio, where some of his friends also worked. He sometimes considered consulting his friends about his thoughts and his dreams, but he was too scared. But he didn't know that would change.

(Jack's Pov)

I was sitting at my desk, tapping my pen on my desk as I stared at the paper in front of me. These lyrics wont write themselves. I hope I get it done in time... I was startled out of my trance when my door swung open suddenly.

"AH HOLY SHIT-" I yelled, falling out of my chair in the process. I looked to the doorway to see my childhood best friend, Wally. I sighed and stood up, brushing myself off. "Wallace, you've gotta stop scaring me!"

"It ain't my fault yer so jumpy!" Wally said with a grin. He pulled up a chair beside mine, sitting on it backwards. I sat back in my own chair and looked at my childish friend. "I just wanted to check on ya an' stuff, since I'm done with my work for now."

"Thanks, fluffball." I chuckled and ruffled his hair, getting a giggle from the red head. I had been calling him that since we were 5, since he always had the fluffiest hair. "But uh... is it cool if I tell you something?"

"Yeah, course!" Wally said with a comforting smile.

"Well, remember my mom?" I asked.

Wally nodded in response. "The one that always dead named me? How could I forget?" Wally spat, looking a bit annoyed. "I know she was yer mom 'n stuff, but she was an ass."

"You're telling me..." I muttered, staring at the ceiling. Wally had come out as trans when we were 16, and my mother was horrendous about deadnaming him. I tried to tell her to stop, but she never listened. "Well, when she died she told me she had one last wish."

"Which was..?" Wally asked.

"To not do anything related to queer or gay stuff, like drag." I said.

"Course she did. If she were here I would wallop her!" Wally stated, standing up with an angry frown on his face. "No offence Jacky."

"None taken. But..." I sighed and scratched the back of my neck. "Well, when I was younger I was always interested in drag. I still am. But because of her I was too scared to do anything. And I still am. And I don't know if I should follow my dreams or just settle with what I have."

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