New Years Dares (Various)

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(Norman's Pov)

I was standing on the balcony of my friend's house, looking out at the sky. It was New Years and I was visiting my old friends from the studio. It had been a few years since I had left, since I was tired of Joey's shit. Henry had invited me to this party though, so we could all get back together. He also specifically said Joey would not be joining us, so that was a plus side.

I walked back into the house and looked over at my friends. Shawn and Grant were standing together in a doorway, talking and catching up while Grant was blushing profusely. Thomas was getting teased by Allison at a table, because Thomas apparently used to have a huge crush on Wally. And it looks like he still does with how red his face is. Speaking of Wally, he, Buddy and Jack were sitting on the floor of the living room playing a card game, which Jack seemed to be winning much to the brothers disappointment. Susie and Lacie were sitting on the couch, holding champagne glasses and chatting. I'm pretty sure they got married after leaving. Henry was watching over the rest of us, making sure we didn't break anything.

But only one person caught my eye. A short man with blond hair and ocean blue eyes. Sammy Lawrence. He was wearing a violet sweater with a white button up under, having the collar sticking out, with black pants. He also had a gold necklace around his neck that had a little music note on it. I had gotten it for his birthday years ago. He still wore it. I knew he liked it, but after all these years he still wears it?

I felt my heart beat increase when he walked up to me. "Hey Norman, long time no see." He leaned against a wall next to me, looking up to meet my gaze.

"Y-yeah, been a while hasn't it?" I said, cursing myself silently for stuttering. "You're still wearing the necklace I got you, eh?"

"How could I not? It's beautiful!" Sammy smiled warmly up at me, causing my face to start to warm up. I thought these feelings left a long time ago, but they never did, did they? "So, anything new with your life?"

"Well, I work with a stage crew now." I stated. "I just control the stage lights, plus sometimes fill in when other people can't do their job. What about you? Still a musician?"

"Yeah, I actually am!" He replied, his smile growing a bit more. "I do gigs in a few different bars around my town, and the pay is good too! Plus I get to do what I love without some asshole breathing down my neck."

"That's way better than at the studio. Plus you don't have to overwork yourself to death anymore." I commented, feeling a smile grow on my own face. "Maybe you could come do a show at the bar I work at!"

"Yeah, then after we're both done we could get drunk or something!" Sammy commented. I nodded with a small laugh. We talked for a while more, before we heard Henry speak up.

"Alright!" He called from the middle of the room, gaining all of our attention. "It's a couple hours until midnight, so who's down to play some truth or dare?" Everyone cheered, so we all moved to the living room floor and sat in a circle. I sat between Thomas and Sammy. "Alright, who's first?"

"Me! Me!" Wally spoke up from the other side of Thomas. Henry just nodded as the ginger smiled excitedly. "Grant, truth or dare?"

"Uhh... truth?" Grant said, sounding cautious.

"Who're you married to? I saw that ring on yer finger!" Wally pointed at the ring on Grant's finger, a smug look spreading across his face.

Grant's face immediately flushed red, before he sighed and jabbed a finger in Shawn's direction. The Irishman happily showed us the ring on his own finger. "Got married two years ago. Was a small wedding, family only." Wally clapped in excitement, a huge goofy grin crossing his face.

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