Self Hate vs His Love (Samman)

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(Norman's pov)

I was walking over to my boyfriend's office on a rather slow day in the studio for me. But when I was about to walk in I overheard him talking to himself. Me, being the nosy little shit I am, stood at the door listening in.

"Stupid fucking blond hair, stupid fucking blue eyes," I heard him mutter, confusing me a bit. Is he talking about himself? I know he often had difficulties showing himself love, but he didn't usually say those things out loud. He continued listing the things he hated about himself, and didn't even notice I walked in. The list went on for a while. When he finally finished he was still grumbling under his breath, more about work.

"Oh, Sammy..." I said, gaining the musician's attention.

"Norman! How long have you been there?!" He asked, a little bit startled by my sudden appearance.

"Long enough to hear the things you said about yourself." I walked up to him, kneeling in front of his chair and holding his hand. "Songbird, why would you think so lowly of yourself? You know those things aren't true."

"Yes they are, Norman." He stated, crossing his arms. "You just pity me."

"I do, but only because you can't seem to see how beautiful and handsome you really are." I smiled and pulled up a chair, sitting it right in front of Sammy's. "I bet I could make a list twice as long about the things I love about you."

"What're we betting?" Sammy asked, grinning smugly.

"Well, if I win the bet we get to cuddle at my place tonight and I get to shower you with love and affection." I offered. I would probably do it regardless though.

"And If I win you have to wear one of the dresses you've made me wear in truth or dare." Sammy retorted. I stuck my hand out and he shook it. "So we have a deal?"

"Yep." I responded.

"So, where does this list start?" The musician asked, looking at me smugly thinking he was going to win.

I smiled and took a deep breath, before starting the long list. "I love your voice, not to mention your angel-like singing voice, I love your musical talent, I love your stern mask you use to hide your sweet personality, I love your beautiful eyes, I love your gorgeous hair, I love your cute little face, I love your lips, I love your arms when you wrap them around me, I love your whole fucking body and how beautiful and handsome you are, but I wont go into graphic detail there, I love the way you dress, I love waking up next to you in the morning, not to mention the things we did the night before, I love your bedhead you always get in the morning, I love the food you sometimes make for me, I love how when I kiss you your face turns pink, I love how when its cold the tip of your nose always turns red, I love how when you get sad you know you can come see me, I love how when you get tired during work you just come sit with me in my office, I love-"

Suddenly Henry walked in, cutting off my listing. "Hey guys, I didn't see either of you at lunch earlier, just wanted to check up on you!"

"Thanks Henry, don't worry, we're fine." I responded, smiling as the animator left. I looked back to Sammy for the first time since I started my list. His face was tinted pink, and he looked genuinely surprised. "What? You weren't expecting me to win?"

"" He muttered, looking away from me. "I wasn't expecting it to go on that long, or have things that detailed..."

"Honey, I could keep going and keep finding more things I love about you for hours. My list outweighs yours by nearly a million words." I stated. I chuckled as his face went even redder, grabbing one of his hands and kissing the back of it like a prince. "So, cuddles?"

Sammy nodded, a soft smile appearing on his face. I smiled wider and picked him up, earning a small squeak from the musician. "Heh, something else to add to the list. The little squeaks you make when I pick you up by surprise."

"Shut up..." He muttered, stuffing his face into my chest.

"Another thing. How when you get embarrassed you hide your face in my chest." I added, walking down the hallway with him in my arms. "You just keep giving me more ammunition, songbird."

We continued this from walking through the studio, to in the car, to when we got to my house. Sammy got more and more flustered as we went on. When we got to my house I grabbed him some more comfy clothes for him to wear, purposefully giving him one of my sweaters instead of his, and told him to go change while I did the same. I just changed into a pair of sleep shorts and nothing else, since I never really had problems with getting cold while in bed, before going to wait on the couch. I laid down and turned on the TV as I waited for Sammy, who walked in a bit later. The sweater I gave him ended up going down to his knees, completely covering his own shorts. He just plopped onto the couch next to me, curling up in the oversized sweater.

"You like my sweater, eh?" I teased. He just nodded and crawled on top of me, curling up on me as I wrapped my arms around him. "Another thing I love about you. Or rather two. The way my own clothes look on you and how adorable you act when you're sleepy."

"Well, something I love about you is how comfy you are to lay on." Sammy responded, resting his head on my chest and looking at me. "You're like a big pillow."

"And you're like a tiny pillow." I chuckled at the little angry face he made as he turned away from me. "Aw, cmon love! You know you're tiny and adorable!"

"And your too fucking tall..." He muttered, stuffing his face into my shoulder.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, brushing the hair out of his beautiful face. I soon heard small snores from my songbird, so I picked him up and brought him to my room. I honestly expected him to be awake longer so we could maybe watch a movie, but I wouldn't wake him up for the world. I set him down and climbed into bed with him, putting him back on top of me as I laid on my back. I soon felt myself drift off to sleep, dreaming of the angelic musician I had laying with me.

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