Halloween Pt. 1

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(No one's Pov)

Halloween Is a holiday we all know. People dress up and go to parties, trick or treat, and more. But some people claim to see monsters in the dark. They all think that they're fake, but in reality they are all real. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, all creatures that walk among us and we have no idea. And this Halloween a certain few of them get to meet.

(Norman's Pov)

I was riding my steed through the forest on a chilly halloween night, holding my head in my hand. I was looking for a victim. I had come out of hiding just for Halloween Night, seeing that no one ever suspected a thing. They all thought it was a costume. I rode through the forest, feeling the cool breeze on my dark skin. It was a quiet night.

That's when I heard a song. Someone was singing with a voice that was almost angelic. I followed the voice, entranced by it. Eventually I came to a lake in the middle of the forest. It looked near abandoned, a rickety old dock being the only sign anyone was ever here. I rode my steed over to the water, peering in. No one was there. I was about to leave, but then I saw them.

There was someone sitting on a rock near the edge of the lake. They had long blond hair tied back into a ponytail, pale skin and blue eyes. Instead of legs they had a tail similar to that of a fish that was a deep dark blue. They had gills on their neck and scales all over their body. Their voice was so beautiful. I tried to get closer, hopping off of my horse and walking closer. I stood there at the edge, looking at the siren in front of me. But I was quickly interrupted when the siren turned around and noticed me. They yelped and slid back into the water.

"Hey, wait!" I called, kneeling next to the water. "You don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you."

I looked into the water. I saw their head poked out of the water, closer than before. They spoke in a quiet voice. "Promise..?"

"Yeah, I promise." I responded, throwing my whip to the side to prove it. "You're a siren, aren't you?" They nodded. "I thought so. I heard your singing while I was riding through the forest. You sound amazing."

The siren's face turned a bit pink, and he started smiling a bit. "Ah, thank you..." He looked between my head and where it should be on my neck. "What exactly are you..?"

"Ah, apologies." I stood up and bowed dramatically to introduce myself. "My name is Norman, the headless horseman." The siren giggled at the little stunt I pulled. "Aww, your laugh is so cute!" He immediately started blushing, ducking half his face under the water. I chuckled and sat back down, right on the edge of the water. "So, what's your name cutie?"

"Sammy..." he muttered, ducking his head half under and blowing bubbles in the water.

"Sammy, huh? I like that name!" I said, watching as the siren pulled himself onto the shore. I just noticed how skinny he was. "Hey, are you alright? You look awfully skinny."

"Well, I kind of rely on people. I can't make it up the river, and fish only fill me up so much with how little there is..." Sammy muttered, wrapping his hands around his stomach. "I would lure in people, but I can only lure in so many people with how far away I am from everyone. I haven't eaten in probably... three weeks?"

My eyes widened when I heard how long it's been, and gears started turning in my head as I got an idea. "Hey, I've got an idea." I started, the siren perking up. "I usually stalk the forest for victims, and you need food. I'll either chase them here so you can kill them, or I'll kill them and bring them to you!"

"You would do that? For someone you just met?" He asked, and I nodded. Sammy started smiling shyly and started fiddling with a flower he found. "You uh, you may look like a monster but you're really sweet."

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