Owl Beast (Shant + Thomas x Jack x Wally) (Owl House AU)

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(I made this after watching the finale. I love this show so much and I'm sad to see it go :( but all good things come to a close, unfortunately. At least it will live on in our hearts and fanfictions!)

(Henry's Pov)

I was walking through the streets of bonesborough, carrying my textbooks to return to the library. They were mostly on potions magic, since I didn't actually have any magic of my own. My palisman does help me do Oracle magic though, along with Healing magic. My palisman is a little impish demon, which I named Bendy. He's really mischievous and always tries to pickpocket people. I walked into the library and set the books on the front desk for them to be returned, going to another section of the library.

I was just going through some books on oracle magic when someone bumped into me. I looked over and saw my redheaded friend, Wally. He was an illusionist and a beast keeper, and often played tricks on our friends that had to do with both. He had his palisman that was a little wolf, which he had named Boris, on his shoulder.

"Hiya Henry!" The boy greeted, smiling up at me. "Look what I learned!" He made a little spell circle, and suddenly there were five of him. "Isn't it cool?!"

"Hey guys, what's up-" I heard Sammy say as he turned the corner. His eyes widened at the sight. "Oh Titan why are there so many Wally's?" Sammy was mainly in the bard track in school along with the abomination track, often being found strumming his banjo. His palisman was a little white sheep that he named Cotton.

"Hey, you say that like it's a bad thing!" Wally whined, all of the illusions of him disappearing.

"Because it is." The blond grumbled, walking back to our hideout with us following. He casted a spell circle and a library shelf disappeared into a little nook that the rest of our friends were all sitting in. We walked in and closed it up behind us, Wally sitting next to his best friend Jack while I set my books into my bag.

Our group was all made up of us kids from hexside, ranging from Wally, the youngest at fourteen, and Grant, the oldest at seventeen. We all bonded over the day of unity, and the year we all spent without our parents. Back then we were all so little and didn't understand what was happening. Wally had been five, while Grant was eight. We had all grown to love each other, and we protected each other from the world.

Sammy walked over and sat next to Norman, curling into the boy's side while the other smiled down at the short musician. Norman was in the construction and plant tracks, and he likes using these abilities to spy on us. He was a hybrid, with two extra eyes under his normal ones. Wally was already chatting with his best friend and boyfriend, Jack. Jack was in the bard track, Oracle track and illusionist tracks. He was usually pretty quiet, but loved playing pranks with his friend. Thomas soon joined his partners, sitting on the other side of the redhead. He was in the construction and abomination tracks, and was the most protective in the group. Allison, Tom's best friend, wasn't very far behind. She was in the healing, potion and beast keeping tracks, and is the therapist of the group. Then there's Grant and Shawn. Grant was in the potions and plant tracks, and was the oldest and most responsible of our group. When we were little he was the one to bring us to Hexside to safety during the day of unity, since he just saw us abandoned in the park. Then there's Shawn. He was in the healing, plant and illusionist tracks, and along with Jack and Wally loved pranks. Next would be Susie and Lacie. Susie was in the bard and healing tracks, while Lacie was in the construction and abomination tracks. Susie is super sweet and absolutely adores us all, while Lacie is nice but is kind of introverted. Then lastly there's Wally's little brother, Buddy. His real name is Daniel, but he loves the nickname. He's just four right now, so he doesn't do magic yet for everyone's safety.

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