It was mean to me! (Jally)(Robot Au)

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(Jack's Pov)

I was just sitting at the desk at my house, writing down lyrics for one of the songs Henry was having me work on. I ended up taking it home to work on, so I could finish it by the deadline. I used my violin to check if the lyrics fit the tune, making sure to make corrections as I went along. But that's when I was suddenly interrupted by Wally walking into my room. Oh yeah, sometimes I brought him home with me from the studio because Grant does the same with Shawn, so I don't want him to be all alone there. Wally came over to me and whined, hugging me with a pout on his face.

"Wally? Is something wrong?" I asked, hugging the poor steampunk robot.

"The tiny robot in your house was mean to me!" He whined, his eyes flashing between blue and purple.

"The what-?" I was about to ask, before realisation hit me. "Can you show me where it is..?"

Wally nodded, grabbing my hand and leading me out to the living room. "That!' He said, pointing at something. He was pointing at my roomba. "It called me ugly!"

I sighed and ruffled his hair, looking down at the janitor. "Don't worry, the roomba is wrong."

Wally looked back down at the floor, and I followed the suit. My roomba was now bumping into Wally's leg, and Wally looked greatly offended. "Jaaack! Its saying mean thiiings!" He whined, hugging me again.

I sighed again and hoisted the poor bot up, bringing him back to my room. "The roomba is wrong, Wally. Don't listen to it."

"It said it was gonna stab me!" He continued.

"It wont. I won't let it." I assured him, sitting back at my desk. "Just power off Wally, you're gonna lose power soon."

"Alright, but don't let the roomba get me!" He said, and I nodded. I then saw him power off back in the corner, his eyes turning from bright colours to black.

I sighed and smiled, before turning back to my work. These kinds of instances happened a lot with Wally. He often talked to the machines in the studio and even in my house, and would always tell me what they said. All of us were very entertained by this, and none of us quite knew how to burst his bubble and tell him that they aren't sentient like him. I finally finished up the song and laid down, falling asleep looking at my robotic love as I fell asleep.

...That is until Wally woke me up in the middle of the night because the roomba scared him again.

Wait how the fuck did it get upstairs-

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