Studio Ghosts (Shant)

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(No one's Pov)

Shawn Flynn was a toymaker in Silverstein studios, working in heavenly toys. Used to work at Joey Drew's, but he got arrested, so now Henry Stein was in charge. He often drew crooked smiles on the Bendy dolls, but no one really cared. As of right now he was in his office, working on dolls as he usually did, when he knocked over his ink bottle again.

(Shawn's Pov)

Dammit! Can't believe I knocked over another bottle... I groaned and picked up the shattered bottle, tossing it in the trash bin. Wally's gonna yell at me again... I got up and walked over to the accounting office, since Wally is usually there around now. I walked in and saw Wally harassing poor Grant, the older one trying to focus on work.

 "Hey Grant, Wally..." I muttered, knocking on the doorframe.

"Lemme guess, ink bottle?" Wally said before I could even continue, and I nodded. The janitor sighed, grabbing his mop that he had leaning against the wall. "You gotta stop doing that! Maybe get a cup holder for ink or something!"

"I swear Flynn, the ink isn't free you know!" Grant said, turning in his chair to look at me.

"Yeah, I know." I groaned. "I try not to, but my clumsy ass cant stop knocking it over!"

"Cmon, let's get this done." Wally muttered, grabbing Grant. "You're coming, you didn't take a break today!"

"I have to agree, you're joining us this time Grant! Whether ya like it or not!" I also grabbed onto Grant, intertwining our hands and pulling him along.

The whole way to Heavenly Toys Grant was complaining about having to do work, but we didn't listen and just dragged him along. When we got there, I sat back down at my desk, Grant standing next to me and Wally starting the process of cleaning the ink off the floor. We talked about whatever came to mind, Grant not really adding much but I could tell he enjoyed being here. But in the middle of our conversation, I remembered something important.

"Ah fuck, I've gotta go grab Ink." I muttered, standing up. "I'll be right back, wait up for me!"

I walked out of the room, going down to the storage closet. It was just a little ways down the hall from my office (I dont remember the original layout in the game, so lets just pretend my friends), which was good for the amount of times I had to go there to get ink bottles. I opened and shut the door behind me, looking at the room. They seemed to change every other week. The lines of shelves were packed with boxes, yet NOT ONE WAS LABELLED! I started the grueling process of checking each and every box, only to be disappointed again and again. And by the end it turned out that the ink bottles were in a box tucked away in the back corner! Are you kidding me?! I groaned and grabbed a bottle, walking over to the door.

But before I left I heard some sort of creaking. It was coming from one of the pipes? I walked closer to inspect it. Is the pipe leaking? I heard the creaking continue and get worse, more and more ink flowing out. SHIT, ITS GONNA FUCKING BLOW! I ran over to the door as I heard the pipe blow, feeling ink explode against my back. I was pushed into the door by the ink flow, my head getting a splitting pain from the impact. I tugged open the door, only for it to not open. ITS FUCKING JAMMED NOW!? WHY NOW?! The ink started rising, and before I knew it it was at my knees.


(Grant's Pov)

I stood in Shawn's office talking to Wally while waiting for Shawn to get back. Wally was currently teasing me about the huge crush I had on the same Irish man that worked in the office, and I felt my face grow red fucking hot. I was about to retort when we heard screaming.

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