Astraphobia (Tally)

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(Wally's Pov)

I was just cleaning up an ink spill on one of the lower floors in the studio, humming a tune while I did so. I felt pretty good today honestly! I mean, I was able to get a good amount of sleep last night, ate a good breakfast, was able to talk to Jack before work, heck I even managed to impress Tom by fixing a pipe all on my own for once! Plus none of the employees down here have called me any slurs today. I should really tell Henry about them though. I mean, sometimes I go home crying because of them. But at least today they're leaving me alone.

My good mood was quickly cut off when I heard a loud crash. I basically jumped out of my skin at the sudden loud noise. Three of the meaner employees down here started laughing.

"Storms coming!" One of them yelled, laughing with the others.

Another crash of lightning rang out, causing me to yelp. One of the others laughed even more at me. "Aw, look at that! Little old Wally is scared of a little thunder?"

"What, you gonna cry to your mommy?" The last said, them all breaking into fits of laughter.

I just walked away, not wanting to deal with their teasing. Every time I heard the thunder I would yelp or whimper, and more tears kept falling down my face. I hated thunder. And I hate how scared I was. It was such a childish fear. I should just freaking grow up. I'll just go sit in my closet though. Then no one will see how fucking weak I am. Or, atleast, that WAS the plan until I turned a corner and ran straight into Thomas. We both ended up crashing onto the floor, Thomas's papers scattering around the hall.

"Ow..." Thomas grumbled, rubbing his head. He picked some of his papers up and chuckled, before looking back at me. "Where are you in a rush to, Walls-?" When his eyes landed on me though they went wide, and a wave of worry washed over his face. "Hey, what's the matter? Are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine Tommy!" I stuttered, trying to reassure my friend. But before I could say anything further there was another crack of thunder, making me whimper and cry even more. I feel so fucking weak. And now Tom knows how weak I am.

Thomas gave me a look of sympathy, before grabbing his papers and standing. He pulled me up to my feet and pulled me down the hallway, holding my hand all the while. He eventually brought us to his office. Tom dropped his papers on his desk and brought me over to a bench in his room. He sat down and motioned for me to do the same. And when I did he pulled me into his lap, my face getting stuffed into his chest. He started rubbing my back and playing with my hair.

"You don't have to be ashamed of your fears, Walls. We all have them. It's normal." Tom whispered in my ear comfortingly. I yelped again at another crash, burying myself into Tom further. "I'm here, Wally. Don't worry. I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise. I'll keep you safe. Just relax. Nothing bad will happen." He wrapped his arms around me and made me feel secure. I feel... safe. I haven't felt this safe in so long.

"Thank you, Thomas." I muttered, looking up at the mechanic with a smile. I cuddled up into his chest further, a warm feeling replacing the fear. "This means... so much to me."

"Of course, I can't just let you suffer alone. You mean too much to me for me to allow that." Thomas said, returning the smile. He planted a kiss on my forehead, hugging me close. "Go to sleep, Wally. I'll keep you safe."

I just nodded, making myself at home in the mechanic's arms. I soon felt myself grow drowsy, still hearing Thomas whispering comforting things in my ears as I slowly lost my consciousness. I heard one statement before I fell asleep, one that I had been waiting to hear my whole life.

"I love you, Wally."

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