Robots Love (Shant + Jally)

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(Grant's Pov)

In the studio there are a lot of strange things. Things that Joey built that are remnants of what he did. One of those things was Shawn. Joey had made him make toys in the studio. But he made a little error, as he called it. The rest of us saw it as perfect. He accidentally gave Shawn self-awareness. So as time progressed Shawn became more and more human-like. Of course he didn't look like one completely, but he looked close enough to one. At first he was just a metal skeleton, but Henry let Shawn make his own appearance when he could. After that he looked almost completely human. The only exceptions were his eyes, which were an unnatural neon green, and his joints all looked a bit odd. He also somehow gained an Irish accent. Don't ask me how, but he did. And he became one of the sweetest people I knew.

As of now we were walking through the streets, talking and laughing together. I knew I was blushing a lot, but luckily Shawn didn't know what that meant. I knew though. And I knew that I was in love with a robot.

"I'm just saying, Theater kids are just choir kids who joined forces with the band and string kids!" Shawn said, snapping me out of my trance.

"...what..?" I questioned, looking at the bot. He just blinked at me. I ruffled his hair and smiled. "You confuse me so much, Shawn."

"Mhm, that's my job!" Shawn smiled back, before a drop of water landed on his nose. He looked up and was met with more droplets. "Oh, it's gonna rain!"

I immediately grabbed the robot's hand, pulling him to the studio quickly. When we finally got in I was breathing heavily and leaned against the wall.

"Uhh... Grant?" Shawn walked up to me, poking my face. "Why did you pull us back here?"

"If you get wet you could get damaged!" I said worriedly, grabbing his shoulders. "You have to be more careful, Shawn!"

"But Grant, Im-" Before he could finish we were cut off by Wally storming in.

Wally was also a robot built by Joey, similar to Shawn, except he was built to clean the studio. But unlike Shawn it was much easier to tell he wasn't human. His eyes constantly changed colour, but neither of them were ever the same. Usually they were green and blue, but they could be any combination of colours. There were whole patches of where skin would be that were open to his insides because of the mechanisms inside of him, and looked a lot more steampunk than Shawn did, both in design and clothing. He was also a lot less durable than Shawn was. Wally is the whole reason I pulled Shawn away from the rain. One time one of the asshole workers in the lower levels poured water on him, not knowing he was a robot, and he completely short circuited. It took months for him to get fixed.

"Hey Shawn, guess what?" The janitor said excitedly, bouncing up and down while his eyes flickered through basically every colour of the rainbow. "I got a date with Jack!"

"Really?" Shawn questioned, the janitor nodding in response. "Congrats!"

"Yeah, but now I don't know what to do! I mean, it's raining now and I'm still not waterproofed!" Wally stuttered nervously, starting to flicker between purple and black. "I don't want him to have to cancel, but if I go out there in the rain I'll be out of order for months-!"

"Hey, Wally!" Jack called while walking into the room. He went up to the janitor bot and grabbed his hand. "I know you don't do too well with the water and I saw the weather report earlier, so I set up a date for us in my office! Cmon!" With that Jack dragged Wally away, back to his office.

"Well, that went by quickly." I said with a laugh. "Anyways, wanna go back to my office and hangout? Or do you have work to do?"

"Nah, I'm free!" Shawn replied, before following me to my office. He just sat up on my desk when we got there, fidgeting with a rubix cube he carried. Despite being a robot he was awful at brain games. He groaned a bit while he struggled to solve the cube.

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