Coffee Shop (Samman)

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(3rd Person)

It was a slow day at the coffee shop. Barely anyone had come in, and Norman was bored. He was just scrolling through his phone, the same as his co-workers in the back. Norman owned the shop and hired some of his friends, so they knew they were free to be on their phone when no customers were here. Multiple Karens have tried to get them fired for being on their phones, but Norman always dealt with them.

Suddenly the bell on the door dinged, drawing the tall man's attention. A short blond man walked through the door. Norman was familiar with him, as he was a regular. His name was Sammy, and he was a musician. Norman grinned and shoved his phone into his pocket, turning to face his friend. Well, his friend he liked more than a friend.

"Heya, Samuel." The Texan greeted, leaning on the counter. "How's your day been?"

"Bad." Sammy groaned, sitting on one of the seats. They had a small section similar to a bar where you could sit at the counter that was just a little bit away from the normal register.

"What happened?" Norman asked, feeling a bit bad for the musician. He knew that Sammy had a bad life, and hated seeing him upset.

"Well, the gig before my last one cancelled on me randomly, and on the last one an audience member fucking threw their drink at me because they didn't like my song." He grumbled, leaning on the counter. "I had to go home early and change, and then I came here. So yeah."

"Geez, you've had a day." Norman smiled comfortingly, leaning across the counter and patting the blond's shoulder. "Well, if you ever need to talk, you know I'm here for you Lawrence."

The musician looked up at the other, blushing a bit. "Thank you, Norman."

"It isn't a problem!" The barista insisted, grabbing his notepad and a pencil. "Now, are you gonna actually order something?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry." Sammy stuttered a bit, smiling sheepishly. "Uhh... could I get my usual?"

"On it." Norman wrote down what Sammy usually has, adding something extra and handed it off to Grant. "Here ya go, please try not to burn the shop down."

"That was one time!" The British man groaned, feeling embarrassed that Norman still remembered that incident.

"Doesn't mean it didn't happen." Norman argued playfully, grinning smugly. "Now get to work!"

"Fine, fine!" Grant walked into the back with Susie to prepare the order

Norman and Sammy sat in a comfortable silence, the only noise being the occasional chatter of Grant and Susie along with the different machines in the back. Neither of them dared to break the silence and turn it more into an awkward one, so they both did their own thing. Sammy scrolled through his phone, texting his friends and such. They kept teasing poor Sammy, since they knew he had a crush on the Texan that worked there. But that's on him for telling them so much about him. How could he not? Norman made him feel safe. Made him feel loved. Norman also scrolled through his phone, but he was listening to music through his earbuds. What is he listening to? Sammy's music. He absolutely loved Sammy's voice, so much so he saved a playlist of just his songs on his phone. It calmed him down after stressful days.

After a couple minutes Grant walked over, handing Sammy his drink and a bag. "Geez, you two are so fucking oblivious." He muttered, before walking away. Sammy looked at him confused, while Norman's face burned red. Grant knew that Norman had a crush on the musician. And oh how he loved saying things like this to confuse the oh so oblivious Sammy.

"Don't mind him!" Norman said quickly, smiling awkwardly.

"Alright..?" Sammy responded, taking a sip from his coffee. He looked at the small bag that Grant also put in front of him. "Uh, I think you gave me something extra by accident-"

"No, you didn't." Norman stated. "I put it on the order because you need it. And don't worry about the cost, we made extras."

"Thank you, Norm." Sammy smiled softly, looking up at the Texan happily. This made Norman's heart absolutely fucking melt. Sammy rarely smiled, let alone one as soft or as sweet as that one. Norman's face reddened even more.

"It isn't a problem..." He mumbled, leaning on the counter smiling sheepishly. "Can't let you mope around all day!"

The musician giggled a bit, before standing up. "I really do appreciate this Norman. But unfortunately I have to go, write new songs and such."

"Alright, see you later Sam-" Norman was stopped in his tracks when the blond leaned over the counter and pecked his cheek. Norman just stuttered and couldn't make out a single word. Sammy just walked out of the shop, leaving a horribly flustered Norman behind him.

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