Prison Break (Senry)

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Request by @Strawberry_Theglich

(Sammy's Pov)

I was sneaking back into the prison. Why you may ask? Because I was going after Henry. You see, I saw he was trapped in one of the cells after I escaped. I don't remember much, but I remember he means something to me. Maybe before we were trapped here we were friends? I'm... not entirely sure. But I want answers.

I snuck past the keepers, trying to be as quiet as possible while using different things to distract them. It worked out luckily. I made my way to Henry's cell. I looked through the dusty window, seeing the brunette sitting on a stool facing away from the glass. I grabbed a fork I stole from the canteen out of my pocket. It's not much, but I couldn't exactly grab a tommy gun. That's Alice's thing, not mine. I banged the fork against the window as hard as I could, but it didn't shatter. But the fork bent. I groaned in annoyance and spotted a staircase. Maybe there's a control room around here... I walked up the stairs, not noticing the man watching me.

(Henry's Pov)

I was snapped out of my trance when I heard someone bang against the window, before a groan was heard. I turned and saw the ink covered man that was once my husband standing there, holding a bent fork in his hands before he walked away. This confused me greatly, but then again Sammy is a little oddball. And a cute little oddball. This thought brought a smile to my face, reminding me of how he used to react when I called him that.

While I was lost in thought I didn't notice my cell open. Nor did I notice a figure walk into my cell. Well, not until I felt a tap on my shoulder. And I instinctively punched whoever it was. I immediately regretted that though, since I saw the very man I was just reminiscing about on the floor holding his nose in pain, with his Bendy mask tossed aside.

"HENRY WHAT THE HELL?!" The old music director yelled, looking up at Henry. "I free you from your cell, and this is the thanks I get? Wooooow."

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Sammy!" I kneeled down and started fussing over him, holding his face in my hands and apologizing profusely. I could have sworn I saw him blush. "Wait, why did you let me out?"

"Well..." Sammy started, sighing a bit. "I feel like I should remember you from somewhere. Like I should know who you are. I feel like we used to be close. I wanted answers."

I sighed and smiled, sitting against the wall with my music director sitting in my lap, much to my joy and his surprise. "You may not remember me, but I sure as hell remember you, Sammy." I took out a photo from my pocket that I had been carrying for the years he had been missing, handing it to him. It was of our wedding day. Sammy's eyes went wide and he looked back up at me. "The reason you feel like we used to be close is because we were married, Sammy."

"Wait, seriously?!" he asked, sounding surprised. I nodded and chuckled a bit, amused by his reaction. "Why didn't you tell me before?!"

"You were kind of trying to kill me, hun." I stated, holding his face in my hands. "I mean, you literally worshiped Bendy the whole time. Made me jealous." Despite his face being covered in ink I could tell his face went bright red under it. "I mean, you did kind of worship me like that in the bedroom, but still, not as much."

"HENRY!" He shouted, shoving me lightly. I just chuckled and hugged him close, feeling him cuddle into my chest. "You're warm..."

"And you're cold." I responded, messing with his hair. Despite being an ink monster now, he still had his hair. It was just kind of hair to distinguish from the rest of the ink. We sat there in a comfortable silence, before I stood up with Sammy still in my arms. "Well, I think we have a job to do. Audrey needs our help after all." I carried him out of the cell, starting the journey to the end.

"But..." Sammy started, looking up at me. "What if I forget you again..?"

I smiled softly at my love. "Love, even if you forget me, I won't forget you. I'll help you remember me a thousand times if I need to. It would be worth it even if it was just for a few minutes." I pressed a kiss onto his forehead, watching as he became more flustered. "Now, how about we go help the kid out?"

Sammy nodded, cuddling close to me again. After all these years of not being able to remember who he is he's probably touch starved, so I didn't mind. We continued to the end, and as we watched the ink demon look at the projector I held my love close, whispering into his ear.

"No matter what, I will always remember you my love. I promise."

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