The Forest (Various)

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 (3rd Person)

Henry Stein was very adventurous. And he liked dragging his friends into his adventures. This time he was going to explore a supposedly cursed or haunted forest, where people went missing. He went with 3 of his friends, Sammy Lawrence, Jack Fain, and Grant Cohen. The forest was far away from any civilization, so there were no roads or cell service. They had been going for a few hours now, and it was starting to get late.

"We should head back before it gets dark..." Jack spoke up, the rest agreeing.

"Which way did we come from??" Sammy asked, looking around. The forest all looked the same.

"I told you guys we should have left a trail! Now we're lost!" Grant said, clearly tired. The 3 of them kept talking, while Henry looked into the distance. He saw something.

"Everyone shut up and listen!" Henry said loudly. The others quickly fell silent and they heard steps towards them. Henry peaked over the bush, and saw this THING! It's like a giant black blob with a thousand teeth! "EVERYONE FUCKING RUN!"

(With Sammy) (3rd Person)

And they did. The four also split up by accident, and the monster decided Sammy would be a good victim and chased him. Sammy ran and jumped over logs and rocks, trying to lose this THING. Fuck fuck fuck fuck im gonna fucking DIE why did i ever AGREE TO THIS HENRY?! While Sammy ran he tripped over a rock, and he fell over on the ground. He tried to get up, but the monster grabbed his leg. He tried kicking it off, but it sank its teeth into his leg and Sammy let out a pained scream. This is it. He thought to himself. This is the end of me, isn't it?


Sammy heard a random voice, and he did what it said. He ducked his head down and heard something whir past his head, and just moments after he heard the monster screech and felt the pressure on his leg cease. Sammy poked his head back up and looked around, seeing what hit the creature. An arrow? He looked around and saw who fired it, and was met with a man. He thinks. A man that was half horse.

"Hey, are you alright?" The man asked, walking over to Sammy. He couldn't respond because of the shock of the entire situation, and just squeaked. "Oh, you're human. Yeah, this is probably really weird. But we have to get you somewhere safe so nothing else comes to try and kill you and so we can treat that bite. Alright?" The man asked, extending his hand. Sammy reluctantly nodded, taking his hand and standing up. Only to fall over again. "Geez, that thing got you good didn't it? Alright, I got a solution, hold on." The man leaned down low enough that he was eye level with Sammy. "Hop on my back, you're probably small enough I won't even be able to feel you up there." He chuckled a bit at the comment.

"Ay! I'm not small!" Sammy yelled, his eye twitching.

"Alright, not small. Now you wanna get on or get eaten by wolves?" He asked, pointing to rustling bushes.

"Lemme on, lemme on!" Sammy struggled to get onto the man's back, setting himself straight. "What even are you?"

"Asking what I am before getting my name? Wooowww." He laughed a bit, standing back up and starting back into the forest. "But I'm Norman, and I'm a centaur. What's your name?"

"Sammy..." He muttered, looking around. His leg was in a lot of pain. "I have some friends here too, I'm not sure where they went..."

"Eh, don't worry. My friends will find them before any monsters. Probably." Norman said, trying to reassure the other. "Anyways, what are you doing here anyways?"
"My friend brought us here to explore this forest since some people say it's cursed..." Sammy said. "Is it really?"

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