Blanket Fort (Tally)

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(Thomas's Pov)

I was just walking out of my house with my bag slung over my shoulder, the cold breeze hitting my face. I was on my way to Wally's house to hangout. Now, I normally don't hangout with people outside of work, so you might be wondering why I'm even going. But the thing is, Wally insisted he owed me after something I did for him at work yesterday. And he wouldnt take no for an answer.

I was walking down the hallway carrying my toolbox, heading back to my office. I had finally finished most of my work for the day, so I was going to just sit in my office and relax finally. But then I heard a scream. And not just any scream, Wally's scream. I quickly rushed towards the source of the noise, checking each room. When I finally found the source of the noise It was not very pretty. Well, Wally was very pretty, but the situation wasn't. Wally was on the floor in one of the storage closets, with a shelf that had collapsed on top of him. He was struggling to push it off of himself, but ultimately failing.

"Wally!" I called, running over to the janitor.

"Heya Tommo..." He muttered, struggling due to the heavy shelf on top of him. "Ya mind helpin me out..?"

"Yeah, course." I responded, kneeling down and getting my hands under the shelf. I carefully lifted it off of the janitor. It took me a minute to lift it up fully and set it back up, the shelf now standing against the wall. I looked back at Wally, who was still just laying there catching his breath. I kneeled down beside him and moved his hair out of his face. "You alright Walls?"

"I saw my life flash before my eyes." Wally said, breathing heavily. I chuckled a bit as Wally sat up. He groaned in pain and wrapped his arms around his chest. "I think my whole body is bruised."

"I would guess so, you just got crushed by a fuckin shelf. I'm surprised you didn't break a rib." I watched the janitor try to stand up, only for him to whimper and sit back down. "I'm guessing that's broken though."

"No, I don't think so..." Wally pulled up his pant leg, and we saw a bunch of blood coating his ankle. Must have gotten hurt by a sharp edge of the shelf. "Yeesh. That's a lotta blood."

"You dont say, einstein." I said with a frown. "Well, let's get you to the infirmary." I picked the small janitor up carefully, making sure he wasn't in any discomfort or pain. I carried him to the infirmary, cracking jokes and talking with him to distract from the pain. We got strange stares from the other workers. We always did. I mean, we're one of the strangest duos in the studio. Wally is like an excited puppy and I'm like a grumpy cat. But we actually got along well.

We finally arrived in the infirmary and I sat Wally down on a cot, going into one of the drawers to get bandages. We didn't really have a nurse, so we just did everything ourselves. I took out some bandages and wipes and put them on top of the table next to Wally's cot, pulling up a chair next to it.

"Alright Walls, where do you want me to start?" I asked, wanting to make sure the janitor was as comfortable as possible.

"Maybe my leg so I don't bleed out." Wally said, pulling up his pant leg.

"Alright. This might hurt a bit, so brace yourself." I warned. I took one of the wipes and slowly started cleaning all the blood off. The cut was somewhat deep and pretty long, but overall it's not as bad as it could have been. I cleaned up around it before finally cleaning the cut itself off. Wally hissed in pain when I did it. "Aww, poor baby." I cooed, the janitor crossing his arms like an angry toddler.

" 'm not a baby!" He yelled, punching me in the shoulder. It didn't even phase me.

"Yes you are. And you're my little baby." I responded, ruffling Wally's messy red hair. His face turned a light shade of pink as I chuckled, binding his cut with a bandage. "Alright, what's next?"

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