chapter 11- maybe i was wrong

Começar do início

"Do you want a coffee or anything dot?"
Rina had followed her into her bedroom, the first place she had gone to the second she stepped into the house. She left her suitcase by the door, looking at dianne who sadly stared around her room.

"Maybe in a minute"
Dianne shrugged. Rina knew this was very out of character for her daughter but she also knew dianne had been on a very long flight and must of been tired so that could of been why dianne hadn't rushed to the kitchen to grab a coffee with her mum and dad before sitting down all together to talk about what she had been getting up to recently, just like she usually would do.

"You want a few minutes?"
Rina asked. Dianne just turned to her and nodded, a million and one emotions flowing through her now which she didn't want to panic her mum with. She watched as she closed the door leaving dianne alone.

She didn't like staying here without joe. She hadn't gotten used to it. She loved how he would fiddle with the blinds, making her laugh as he twisted the handle to open and close them, creating rhythms that he would sing along to, to make her laugh. She loved how he would always make fun of the framed pictures she had of herself from when she was 15. Even though they were a laughing matter it always made her stomach flutter with butterflies whenever he told her she even looked beautiful back then at the age of 15, despite the pictures making her cringe every time she looked at them. She loved how the bed was a small double rather than the king size they had in their own home, so they had no choice but to cuddle all night long.
She came to sit down on the bed, crossing her legs and reaching into her bedside table drawer.
She reached inside pulling out a Polaroid picture she had left there the last time she had stayed. The last time she stayed was without joe but that was different. She knew he would be there when she got back to the uk and they would text every available minute. This time was different. That visit she had taken a Polaroid of the two of them. One taken back in their london apartment where dianne was tucked his under chin, his lips pressed againts her hairline, kissing her softly as they enjoyed spending a rare night off together. It used to be a coping mechanism for when she was there without him but now it just made things harder. She couldnt stop looking at it though. She missed him.

Gently taking her phone case off her phone, she placed the Polaroid into the back of it before putting her phone back into its place.

Steadying her breathing, which she hadn't even realised up until that point that it had gotten static, she went to join her parents outside in the garden.

"Ah, dot we made you a coffee. Just how you like it"
Mark handed her the drink as she sat down in her usual seat.

"Thanks dad"

"How are you darling?"
Rina asked her, knowing to approach the conversation with caution. Of course they had spoken over the phone many times but being in person, dianne could reveal some things she hadn't yet told them.

"I'm ok..."

"Really sweetie. You can talk to us about how you're feeling if you want to. We know your upset sweetheart"
Rina told her.

"Well I'm fine, it's just usual breakup stuff you know"
She told them looking down.
She didn't want to tell her parents all the depths of what she was feeling. She knew it would worry them, especially if she told them about their recent night spent together. She was still worried about it herself. She was so angry and she knew she could of been kinder to him, but now it had happened and she couldn't change the past. Saying that though, she couldnt stop thinking about it. Couldnt stop thinking about him. And now she was 9000 miles away from him, it had really hit her that when she went home, he wouldnt be there to pick her up from the airport.

"Its hard isn't it sweetheart?"
Rina gave her that apologetic look knowing she, or nobody could take away the pain her daughter was feeling.


Lessons in love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora