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Elliots povI was walking home from school, but on the way home I went to a convenience store to buy a couple of snacks and what not

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Elliots pov
I was walking home from school, but on the way home I went to a convenience store to buy a couple of snacks and what not.

I picked up gummies, instant noodles and a few bottles of juice and water. I plopped them in the little basket and went to go look for something I could eat for tonight.

Until two men barged into the store demanding the man at the cash register money.
My eyes widened and suddenly I slid under the locked staff door bathroom and stood on the toilet hoping they wouldn't check for any people.

My heart was racing as I heard more yelling and it ended with the bang of a shotgun. I covered my hand with my mouth as tears escaped my eyes.

I can't die, I can't die.

My hands were shaking and I broke out into sweat.

"You can come out, I've handled them." The voice of the cashier man boomed through the stall making me jump.

I grabbed my basket I had and got out. He seemed to be a older man, I should've payed more attention to him from the start.

I swallowed.

"Wait in my office, I'll call Santino."

"W-where." My voice shook. He pointed across the store and I quickly ran to the room.

That didn't mean I didn't get a good look at those men.. blood was everywhere.

The sight made me feel sick I felt a presence and I turned around quickly to see the same old man.

"I'm sorry I realized you've never seen anything like that before I'll make you some tea."

How could he take this so casually? I know they were robbing him but oh my goodness, does the sight not bother him..

I sat on the couch that was in the small office. The paint was peeling and the small window by the door was rusting.

It made me wonder how long its been in business.

Obviously still shaken up I flinched when the nice old man offered me a mug with tea in it. Was I going to drink it? Hell no.

If he knows Santino I just want to get the hell out of here, and I mean OUT.

I didn't sign up for hearing two people getting their brains blown off.

Any click of a gun just makes me want to jump. I smelled the the tea in the cup, sniffing softly just in case it was drugged and set it on the mini coffee table.

The old man came back with a pack of chocolates in his hand and placed them on the table before sitting by me.

"What? You don't like Tea?" He chuckled as he popped a chocolate in his mouth.

I shook my head silently. A often ring from the gunshot played in my head a thousand times. "Still must be shocking, huh?" I nodded.

He frowned.

I looked at him trying to figure him out completely. "I've heard gun shots many times before but I guess when it's actually hurting someone, it's hard to cope." I spoke softly before taking a chocolate from the frilly packet it was in.

I took a bite out of the chocolate and flavors burst into my mouth. It was rich, creamy and thick and the creamy filling absolutely did the job.

I forgot the man was there, his voice almost scared me when he spoke.

"I've been looking after Santino since he was a little boy, I have to do the same for you, yea?"

I shrugged. "I had a babysitter when I was younger.. he was older like you a bit he would babysit me and my friend, my old best friend."

My old best friend

I thought about the boy, he was about three years or two older than me, we did everything together.. we celebrated our birthdays together, went to school together we even used to wash together while playing with the bubbles and the kiddie bath toys.

Until he completely disappeared from my life. Along with my babysitter, my mom and soon my dad.

Grandma was the only one who was there. She still is, I'll have to visit her.

Too late to respond, a engine of a vehicle interrupted the old man.

He pulled himself from the couch and greeted who I'm guessing, Santino.

"Hi Pul." A rushed voice entered the shop with the ringing of bells on the door.

ding ding ding i was correct!

Santino came running in the room and I did a little cringy wave. I stood up and picked up my book bag and was instantly pulled into a hug.

He kissed my head while wrapping his hand around my nape.

I could feel his heart beat as he clung to my body.

"Shit, oh my goodness.. you're okay thats good.. fuck.." he kissed my head again before pulling back and looked at me with worried eyes. They held affection.

And I.. I didn't know what to say, how to act or what to think.. I just knew that it felt good to be by him again.. just to have his touch on me.

I could finally breathe.

"It's okay, I'm not hurt." I giggled as he start to kiss all over my face.

"And what if you were?" He dropped all playfulness and looked at me with seriousness.

I pecked his nose and caressed his face. "Then you would just have to take care of me until I'm better." I smiled.

"I'd kill a man." He stated with dark eyes.

So dramatic.

"Can you just take me home? I want to eat food." I sighed.

He pulled away completely and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Right.."
he's so clingy its funny.

Me to myself because I have a goal of finishing this book before august

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Me to myself because I have a goal of finishing this book before august.. 🙁

When Am I Urs? ᵐˣᵐKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat