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Elliots povI dragged my feet across the schools shiny floor in dread

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Elliots pov
I dragged my feet across the schools shiny floor in dread. Who felt like listening to what teachers had to say? Not me.

I opened the door to Mr Romanos door. And groaned. He started class, and guess what? I WAS LATE.

He stopped talking and turned directly towards me I tilt my head with an awkward smiled.

"You're lat-"

"I know, Mr Romano.. I'm late." And with that a plopped down in my desk that sat beside whatever was her name... Sara???

He continued to teach but I could tell the way he was annoyed by the way he was holding tight to the ruler he held in his hand.

I could see his veins travel up his arm and his defined muscles that was almost see through, through his shirt..

I licked my lips.

He's so ho-

"Damn, that's hot the way you just interrupted him." The same girl I sat by yesterday attempted to flirt with me by chewing on her pen.

I looked at her uninterested while rubbing my knee. Wincing I began to think.

That fall from my bike fucked my knee up I I busted my ass bad.. and it's probably bleeding since I fell on the decorative rocks in front of the school.. smh who even needs rocks as decoration.. they probably not even real!

She tapped me on the shoulder breaking me out of thought and laughed. "You're so nonchalant! I love it."

"Can you shut the fuck up." I scrunched my face up at her and pushed her hand she had on my arm off of me.

Mr Romano slapped a ruler across the desk. I jumped and immediately looked at him confused.


"That's inappropriate language, try again Mr Cornel."

"Corlen." I grumbled correcting him for the 1000th time.

He looked a bit offended but let it slide.

"Can you find a nicer way to say that to her?" He said referring to the dumb blonde that sat by me. She looked at me with hope which was very uncomfortable.

"Can you please? Shut the fuck up, Sarah." I smiled.

Snickering could be heard throughout the class.

Mr Romano couldn't help but grin before straightening his lips.

"Mr Corlen I will be adding another week to your Lunch Detention."

"Thats not even my name! Its Samantha.." I looked at her and grimaced.

Man did she cry ugly!

Mr Romano looked at me with his dark eyes as if he was telling me to apologize!

"I'm sorry.. Sar- Saman-tha." I looked at her student name badge.

"I hope we can put this behind us an.." I looked at The professor and he looked back at me as if he was trying to tell me to keep my apology going.

"Become.. friends."

About time I was done with the apology she ran out the room crying.

Everyone bursted out in laughter..

Its not me!! Its them..


I went to Mr Romano's class during lunch for a bandaid for my knee since I was correct about my knee bleeding. And he decided that he would help me with the stupid lil cut. So here I was sitting on his high desk with him helping me.

"You made her cry." Mr Romano rubbed the bridge of his nose stressfully.

"Mm, okay.. I mean I didn't mean to? She touched me like I know her?"

"You're nothing but trouble, Elliot." He chuckled applying disinfectant on a cotton ball.

"Well..trouble brings fun.. so I rather be trouble than not trouble." I shrugged swinging my legs back and forth.

He tapped at my cut softly cleaning the blood before getting a bandaid and placed it on my knee.

I looked at him. He seems so genuine, he smells like mint and wood carvings but he also smells like autumn..

I can't explain it.

He pulled my pants that was ruffled up above my knee back to my ankles and adjusted my socks so both were equally high.

I tilted my head.

He confuses me.

He retied my shoes before standing up.

Its time to go before I do something stupid.

I jumped off of the desk accidentally landing on the side of my foot about to fall until Mr Romano grabbed my waist and lifted me back on the desk, my shirt lifted which caused me to feel his nails pierce my skin.

I bit my lip biting back a whimper and looked him in the eyes.

He looked back at me with his dark eyes, his hands still resting on my waist.

My body began to heat up as I watched him stand between my legs.

"M..Mr Romano.." My voice shook.

"Elliot.." his voice sounded deeper than before, power was added.

The bell rang and I pushed him away from me before straightening my clothes. I grabbed my things and ran out of his room looking back once only to see him staring at me with his hands in his trousers pockets.

I cannot not make that same mistake again..

"I seriously got to stop running out of there." I mumbled to myself as I walked to my next class.

I ended up running into Cally. She told me about how stressful it would be choosing someone for the Broadcast club. I told her straight up about not being interested, she didn't take the news too bad but was a bit bummed out about it.

We ended up splitting parts and I kept myself busy the whole day.

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