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Elliots pov I sat alone in all my classes, no one seemed interested to talk to me

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Elliots pov
I sat alone in all my classes, no one seemed interested to talk to me.

But as I was walking in the corridor I saw a poster of clubs to join. cute.

One caught my interest, a writers and broadcast club. This college sure does come with a lot..

A throat being cleared scared me out of my longing stare at the poster. "You look interested, we have an interest meet today at five! Be there." A nice looking girl smiled handing me a white sheet of paper.

I nodded taking the paper.

She thanked me and made her way on.

I looked at my watch and gasped at the time. It was 1:19, I had lunch in Mr Romanos class!

I ran across the hall until I made it to the second floor almost tripping a few times and bumping into a few people, I finally made it to his class panting like a dog on a summer day.

I took a deep breath and entered his class.

"I'm not sure why I had such high hopes that you wouldn't be late." He said sarcastically.

I looked him in his dark eyes as I closed the door behind me, it felt as if the room swallowed me whole.

"Well sit down, don't just stand there." Mr Romano grunted swishing through papers on his desk.

I sat in my desk that laid embarrassingly in front of him.

I tried to refrain myself from looking at him as he pulled out his lunch which was a salad, a granola bar and a packet of trail mix.

He began to chew as he worked on grading papers.

I squinted my eyes at the granola bar wanting to groan. Those Ramen noodles did me little Justice because my stomach let out an unpleasant cry for food.

Mr Romano eyes trailed slowly connecting to mines. I gulped accidentally making direct eye contact.

Why is this man so scary.

"Wheres your lunch, Mr Corel?" He asked pulling his glasses off of his face.

Holy hell.. he looks so much better with his glasses off.

"C-Corlen." I corrected nervously. I wondered why it felt so hard to breathe when there's just the two of us in here.

I looked away from his eyes and looked at my lap. His eyes burrowed through my head as he waited for an answer.

"I didn't bring lunch."

"Does the school not provide lunch?"

"Well its too expensive for me, so.. ya." I rubbed my arm awkwardly.

A salad was 12 dollars!!!

"You need to eat." He scolded me as he shoved his salad in front of me with a plastic fork in its wrapper.

This man is absolutely confusing me!!! Like deadass!

I scratched my head and looked around the room. "Yes you, Elliot."

One thing I wasn't about to do was deny free food!

I didn't even know what to say so I just dug in. "What do you say Mr Corlen?" Mr Romano asked

"Thank you!" I chirped as I stuffed my face with the Caesar salad.

I swung my legs back and forth as I ate enjoying the well seasoned chicken that was tossed in the salad.

I hummed while looking around the room just observing little things until I made eye contact with Mr Romano. He was staring at me intently as if he was trying to figure something out.

I stared back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Why did you move here from the Americas, Elliot?"

He licked his lips and kept his eyes focused on me.

The question was a low key hard question to answer. "My mom got married." I responded coldly, the lie being oblivious.

"Ah, marriage such a lovely thing." He smiled his reply was sarcastic yet dry. I chuckled nodding.

"Are you married Mr Romano?" I asked tilting my head.

The question wasn't too hard for him to answer because he answered quick and clearly.

"No, I am not."

He stared at me heavily with his dark eyes no hesitation held in them at all.

And like that tension filled the room again, my heart beat quickened and my cheeks felt hot

The bell rang and that was my cue to get up and leave to go to my last class. I picked up my book bag and left the room without saying goodbye.

"This must be the second time ive seen you run out of that room." The same girl who witnessed me run out the first time bumped into me.

I chuckled and shook my head "im sorry I keep getting in your way." I held tight to my book-bag and took time to look at her appearance.

She had the school uniform on with platform boots and leg warmers on with colored fishnets that matched the school's color which was ironic blue and purple with gold.

"It's fine! Im Cally Smish, either Cal or Calc!" She continued with a bright smile showing all thirty-two, before taking her hand out to shake mines.

I shook her hand with a weak smile. "Im uh, Elliot. Nice to meet you Cally."

"Oh! Its the guy who's gonna join our broadcast club!" The same girl who handed me the sheet came running towards us before giving Cally a kiss on the cheek.

"This is Iaya, my best friend!" Cally hugged the girl

I awkwardly wave towards her. "You've gotta be gay." Iaya assumed making me scratch my head.

"Uhm, I don't know?"

"That was such a gay wave." She snorted making me walk backwards slowly.

"Uhm I've gotta get to my class! Ill see you guys." And with that I ran to the 4th floor only to be late once again to another class.

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