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Elliots pov A new start, a new start

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Elliots pov
A new start, a new start. Thats all it takes is a new start in London and a Private Academy I can barley afford to step in, to make me become successful.

I was finally in London, saved up all my money, bought a flat and a useful bike.

The problem was the academy, I don't know where shit is or any class I have is. My mom said university would be easy, and I'd make lots of friends and have the best fun of my life. Well its not.

Because walking up the stairs in my nice clean folded washed uniform and uncomfortable shoes on, all im getting is stares.

Like so what?! Im american?! They act like they haven't heard an american accent before!

I knock on the room 314 with a face void of emotions but a mind filled of nerves. The door opened leaving nothing but a room filled of eyes following me as I enter.

"Ah, this is Elliot, Elliot Colen." Well he has a strong accent!

"Corlen." I corrected looking the man in the eyes. He look young definitely is.. tall in height, dark eyes.. he looks clean?

I smiled at the class looking away from the man eyes.

"Yes, Mr Corlen, here a Transfer student all the way from the Americas." Why does he make it sound like im a rare object?

His hand faintly touched my lower back making me jump. "Go ahead and take a seat in the front by Samantha, she'll show you how to set up your computer for this class." He whisper in my ear with his coffee scented breath.

He pointed to the empty seat and went back to his desk, for the first time I felt like I could breathe since Ive entered this class.

I sat down in the seat and pulled out the computer i received from the school.

"Whats ur name?" The Samantha girl asked me.


"I know just kidding! So how's America do like you pay for like everything? Do you have a girlfriend? If not wanna hang sometimes I have great girl friends you would love to f.."

I grumbled.

And immediately she stopped talking but not as much as I wanted to, instead she changed the subject and started a new conversation about how fine the teacher was and how she would fuck him for free not even for a quick buck.

"Can you like shut the fuck up?" I grunted snapping my neck towards her.

She seemed shock.

"Elliot, it's your first day I'd advise you to stop talking with Samantha." Mr whatever his name commanded.

I held in my eye roll and smiled a weak smile.

"Yes sir, im sorry."

"Matter of fact, move your desk by mines since you can't get work done." He insisted as his eyes stuck to mines like glue.

The whole class got silent. Great!

I let out a breath and picked my desk up making sure it didn't drag on the floor even for a mere second. I placed my desk by his only to be called upon again.

"In front of me."

I sighed and did as I was told. And grabbed my chair and belongings.

He looked at me the whole time as I did my work, he made it obvious!

"Uhm so Mr..." i looked at his tag. "romano.. I have a question about lunch.."

"Theres a specific time for lunch, every student has the same amount of classes and different lunch times."

I nodded.

I refrained myself from asking any other questions because I felt like i would piss him off more.

The bell soon rang and everyone began to pack up their things.

"Corlen, stay with me after class."

I've came to conclusion, this guy really fucking hates me.

I stayed watching everyone leave the class as I pout.

I watched Mr Romano..? I seriously gotta learn his actual name!


I watched him close the door and walk back to his seat, plop down and cross his arms.

"You'll have detention lunch with me at 1:12, be late and I'll add to it for tomorrow." He warned with serious eyes.

My eyes widened at the information.

"What- why- i didn't-"

"You in fact did do something, you came to my class late without a pass, then proceeds to use a poor choice of words in my classroom."

How old is this guy? The funny thing about it is he seems serious, unbelievable.

I scoffed.

"Two days of lunch detention."

I stood up and slammed my hands on the desk. He didn't even let me talk!

"A week of lunch detention."

"Sir please.." I pouted. By the time I get done with this guy I'll have a month worth of detention and food!

"A week of lunch detention, leave my room Corlen." I hurried up and grabbed my things not trying to add another week.

I ran out of the class as quick as I could before bumping into someone. "Someone is always running out of that man room, so glad I don't have him as my teacher." A girl chuckled helping me up from the floor.

I dusted myself off thanking her.

I thought about what she said and paused "is he that mean?"

She shook her head. "Just hella strict, well I gotta go im meeting up with someone!"

Well this is a great start.

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