"The J Line Trinity and the Trickster Thief"

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"The soft gentle wind swept playfully while leaves danced and rustled against the cool morning breeze. A newly radiant sun steps forth from the autumn season, wrapping everyone in her warm and brilliant glow. Summer has finally ended and most of the students had already returned to the university to settle everything before the opening of classes even begins.

Today is a busy day here at Gachon University, as the beginning of school year is finally approaching. The Dorm building buzzed with excitements and anticipation as today marked the start of another school year. Students mingled with everyone, trying to reconnect with old pals and make friends with the new ones. The crowd looked busy with their luggage and stacked books, as they talked and laughed about how their summers have been.

The entire Dormitory building was filled with such happy and positive vibes.

Everyone else looked very much at home and comfy....but in Jennie's case, it's entirely different.

She was rather anxious and apprehensive, as she stood and stared at the towering dromitory building that she and her friends had planned and decided to stay for the entire school year. . Almost all of her friends had already arrived inside the dorm leaving her and her Ahjumma Jung outside the building premise. Irene and Lisa went earlier than her since Jennie wants to have some private moment with her Ahjumma before she leaves.

"Are you sure you brought everything that you'll need Sweetie?"

"Your meds? Your Motion sickness patch? Your Calm strips for your anxiety?"

"I already put your fave snacks on your other luggage as well as Lisa's and Irene's." Ahjumma Jung uttered looking rather uneasy than excited. She gestured the other servant to bring the luggages inside the dorm.

Ahjumma Jung's eyes darted at the huge building with such worry and sadness and Jennie can tell, the old woman isn't clearly ready to let her go yet.

"Jennie, are you sure you'll be okay here?"

"You know your mom can still make arrangements so that I can stay with you here."

"It's hard living alone.." Ahjumma was about to finish with her sentiments for the twentieth time since they got here when Jennie hugged her all of a sudden, completely shutting the woman off.

"Ahjumma, I'll be fine.. Besides, I won't live alone here. I have Irene Unnie, Lisa, Chu and our friends.."

"I'll be okay..You won't have to worry about me." Jennie assured her beaming and it was the only time the old woman cast a relieved smile.

"I know Sweetie...It's just that....it'll be the first time that you'll be away from me for a long time Jennie.."

"You can't expect me not to worry, dear.."

"Ofcourse I will always worry about you.." Ahjumma Jung said in her soft, loving tone and the feline can't help but get all teary eyed. She pulled away from the hug and stared at her Ahjumma's resigned face and her heart suddenly swelled with both gratitude and guilt.

"Ahjumma.." Jennie mumbled smiling, her galaxy cat eyes starting to get all misty.

"Have I told you before how lucky I am to have a mother like you?" Jennie uttered almost a whisper and Ahjumma Jung can't help but chuckle as she cups the young woman's cheeks and stared intently at her.

"Jennie, as much as I love you with all my life, however, I cannot, in my conscience, allow you to call me like that."

"No one can replace your Mom, Sweetie.. She may always be busy, but it doesn't mean that she isn't part of your life or she loves you any less." Ahjumma Jung said softly but Jennie just lightly shook her head and smiled.

Jensoo- Love Inevitablyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें