Pink Venom

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"Do you perhaps want to have Soju with me?" I suddenly heard Jisoo asked out of nowhere which startled me a little. My mind went haywire and all I could think of was Yeon's surprise package that we received earlier.
It took Jisoo a moment to realize what I was thinking and before I could speak, her face registered a panic-stricken look and gave me a wave of the hand, indicating that what I was thinking was wrong.

"No, no, no..It's not what you think it is..It's not what I meant, Jendeuk..I just want to ask you if you want to have a drink with me...Yeah, that's just it..not because I was considering Yeon's plan of getting in your pants...but I don't mean that you're not alluring nor I don't want to do it with you..I want to do it but I'm not ready yet..I just don't want you to think of me as a pervert..Well uhmm maybe yes a little bit cause I do get turned on a lot because of you..but my point is,Goddamit, I don't really know what my point is anymore..but you get what I mean?" Jisoo uttered defensively with out even pausing which caused her to catch her breath at the last phrase. Her entire face flushed in deep shade of red as I hear Jisoo curse herself from utter embarrassment. She must have mistaken my silence as a big turn off for me and so Jisoo tried to dismiss her suggestion in a nervous tone.

"Let's just forget about it Jen. I was just being stupid. I don't even drink anyway." Jisoo uttered with her head bowed down and was about to walk away when I suddenly tugged her arm, halting her from leaving.

"No Jisoo, you are not stupid.. And yes I would like to have Soju with you.." I finally answered and Jisoo's dejected demeanor suddenly lift up."

"Really?" That's all she could ever respond making me chuckle a bit.

"Chu, Honey, I'm clearly aware of what you've been feeling lately and to be honest, I'm a little sad that you're dealing with it all by yourself."

"So if drinking could help you de-stress and lessen your burden, then by all means let's get drunk and talk about it."

"It wouldn't hurt to let it out. Maybe our drunk selves would forget about it or maybe not. But my point is, you'll finally be able to release those rage that's been brewing inside your chest." I uttered in my most dignified tone and I can see Jisoo's worried look melted in a heartfelt smile.

"I....I don't know what to say, Jendeuk.."

"How can I be this lucky that I have a person like you in my life?" I heard Jisoo whisphered with her voice almost cracking while her arms intuitively snaked on my back, seizing me in a warm hug.

"I don't know. I always ask God the same question about you too." I answered smiling, giving her a peck in her cheeks which caused her to smile stupidly.

"So..Soju with me?" Jisoo asked flashing her toothy grin and I finally found myself melting from that smile again.
Gosh, how can she be this beautiful and adorable at the same time?

"Yep.. Definitely Soju widChu.." I responded giggling and finally walked towards the bedside table were Jeongyeon's Soju package was placed. My eyes darted at the strap on that was placed besides the box and I felt my cheeks burn terribly.

"Yah. Pull yourself together Jennie Kim. Stop thinking about it." I muttered to myself as I gently slap my cheeks and sighed deeply, trying to knock some sense out of me.

"Do you need help there Jendeuk?" I suddenly heard Jisoo asked from behind. She was already comfortably settled at the carpeted floor and was about to get up to give me a hand when I halted her off.

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