"But, wait? What? Why!" I scream through my gritted teeth.

"Oh, I'll explain." Chloe says.

"You better start talking." I mutter then my - not-so - friend starts to pace left and right.

Chloe starts to talk.

"Emily. You consider me as your best friend right?" She asks.

"Not anymore." I mutter.

"I'll take that as a yes." Chloe starts again, "Well, you think you're such a good friend, well, how much do you really know about me, huh? Do you know what my grade point average is? Or what my parents' jobs are? What are my after school jobs and can you name all of my ex-boyfriends?" I shake my head, "I didn't think so.

"My life isn't a dream world, Em. If you think your life is bad, take a look at mine. You know my car? It may be old and drives about as fast as a tractor, but it's mine. I pay for it. Every drop of gasoline and every dent that needs to be fixed, comes from my bank account. I work three after school jobs to help pay for the electricity bill at home and one of them is at a blood bank - that's where the blood in your little friend Richelle's school came from, if you were wondering. And you think my parents don't care. They do, but they can love me more. To them, I'm just another mouth to feed and a person to say 'I love you' to at night. It's rough Emily.

"And to add on to that, I've done some pretty bad things that people know about. For instance, Eldon."

"Eldon?" I stop her sob story, "What did you do to Eldon?" I growl at her.

"Oh stop your worrying. He's completely fine. Eldon, can you come here for a moment." Chloe calls in her musical and flawless voice.

"Sure." I hear someone say from behind me. Then a door opens and closes with a big clang and I see someone who I would never have wanted to see here: Eldon.

He walks in then grabs Chloe's waist. My best friend stands up a little taller to meet Eldon's lips. They kiss is a very gross and show-offy way. I cringe. Did our kiss mean nothing to him?

"Hey Emily." Eldon copies Chloe's taunting voice.

"How can you do this to me?" I cry out in pain.

"I'll let Chloe explain," He flashes me a smile, and not his charming and mysterious smile. This is a teasing smile.

"I love you." Chloe says to Eldon then he kisses her again with more passion and strength. It's much more than when he kissed me.

Once their make out session is over, Eldon walks out of the room and it's just Chloe and I again.

"What did you do to Eldon?" I growl.

"Oh Emily, don't be ire. I didn't do anything to him. Just listen this time." She instructs and I raise one eyebrow, telling her to continue, "Going back on the money issue. My parents had me working for people at a young age. I had to take any job that offered money. No matter how low they pay or how bad they job, if my parents saw an ad, it would be mine.

"In the ninth grade I was sent to a mental hospital a few hours out of town. It was creepy and scary. I had to ride a bus to get there because my parents couldn't afford the gas. I had to work there. I would get files, talk with patients, give them food, helped in art class, anything. And they pay wasn't the best either. But I met this guy there and he caught my eye."

"Eldon." I know what the answer is going to be but I just can't bear to hear it.

"Yes. It was Eldon. He was there since the age of ten and there wasn't any hope of him getting out. I saw what they were doing to him. It wasn't a facility where they were helping him, they were killing him with every pill they gave him and every therapist session he attended. It was horrible. I couldn't just stand there and watch them slowly kill him so one day, I broke him out.

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